
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue Jul 3 18:30:21 2018
    ryleeraee posted in The future of CraftyMynes!.

    Looks great! I'm excited to come back for a fresh start :)

    Miss you all xo

  2. 7 years ago
    Tue Dec 26 15:09:09 2017
    ryleeraee posted in williamoz appeal.

    You will be unbanned 24 hours from the time you posted your appeal.

  3. Mon Nov 13 20:40:48 2017
    ryleeraee posted in Deaner_ 's Ban Appeal.

    Sorry Deaner_ but duping is a permanent ban on Craftymynes. Best of luck


  4. Tue Oct 24 14:59:32 2017
    ryleeraee posted in server problem.

    Sounds like it's on your end, try restarting your game and internet :)

  5. Tue Aug 8 04:28:10 2017

    This looks awesome. Great work both of you

  6. Mon Jul 31 11:55:47 2017
    ryleeraee posted in Staff Communication.

    Also might I add sometimes we can misunderstand the situation or question and accidently give the wrong response

  7. Sat Jul 29 16:48:31 2017
    ryleeraee posted in Been thinking about life.

    I would suggest reaching out for more professional help, rather than Minecraft forums.


  8. Thu Jul 27 00:08:24 2017
    ryleeraee posted in FL4W's Appeal.

    you were digging. stopped, then looked and suddenly dug a wide tunnel towards diamonds. so i left a surprise. you almost immediately stopped, looked in the wall at a chest i planted, then dug right to it wooow after digging right to diamonds multiple other times and i could tell they were random because there was no pattern to it at all except youd see something and make it seem like a random wide hallway. not to mention the xray tunnels digging right to a spawner which was used for your base now, and also a tunnel leading right down to a spawner a few blocks away.

    Your appeal is denied have fun on other servers

  9. Tue Jul 18 22:58:37 2017

    It's so cool to see what everyone does, though it all seems much more interesting than me! :)
    I work at the liquor store part time while studying criminology in university! I used to study music but changed my mind and now am in love with what I do. I also play flute in a wind ensemble for my university

  10. Sun Jul 16 17:24:43 2017
    ryleeraee posted in To the Staff.

    <3 <3 <3

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