Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

In Game Name: MaximilianPanda (I respond to Max only)

Age: 50 (In cat years)

Time Zone: I live in my human slave time zone

Strengths: I have a good understanding of how the server works as I spend every waking hour observing my slave and how he operates. Often I observe him by standing annoyingly close to his face and staring at him while he plays. Other times I will sit on on or beside his arm and stare at the computer screen yawning constantly, as I know I could do a better job.

I am super good at using a mouse, so good in fact that I have broken my human slave's current one and he must go buy a new one!

My typing skills are beyond measure gzkgslysyskgzv   lhcpywoyakyz as I casually walk across the keyboard, obscuring slave's vision with my beautiful body demanding he pay attention to me instead!

I'm always well rested and ready to pounce at a moments notice! This is especially true at 5am when everyone's asleep and I start running around like a maniac for no reason! Haha dumb humans I have you within my clutches.

I love to sleep on anything warm this is in no way useful to my application I just thought I'd mention it. I have a heated cat dome I refuse to use instead I'd rather sleep in the slaves bed and claw his foot when it moves. That'll teach him for disturbing my sleep!

Weaknesses: I sleep for almost 18 hours a day, when I'm not sleeping I'm amusing my self by tormenting my human slave. This is by no means a weakness, I just wanted to mention it.

Why you are Applying: I am out to prove that I can do slaves job better than him! He will bend before my will and get me more fish so I may hide part of it around the house. I am also proficient in catching not only mice but cheaters as well.

I will claw anyone who gets in my way!

Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): Never logged in to the server before on my account, I use the slaves.

Custom Note (optional): I'm including a picture of myself, hire me as staff or face my wrath!
