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  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by BoneChi11er

    Name: The Krragnar

    Physical traits: A dark shadow figure, that looks as if its made out of gas

    Abilities: It is able to phase through most objects and is not affected by physical contact. It can render itself invisible to most sources. One's health and mind will be affected negitively when near the Krragnar for long periods of time. Being near the Krragnar for 2 days at most offers mild side affects such as nausea, cramping, lower body temperature, and on rare cases mild paranioa. Being near the Krragnar for 3-7 days offers harsher side affects, such as vomiting, migrianes, lack of sleep, and black outs, on top of the symptoms previosly mentioned. During this time people affected also show symptoms of depression. Being near the Krragnar for 8-14 days offers severe side affects such as voices in ones head, imparred vision, tumors, malnutrition, and symptoms of insanity, on top of the symptoms previosly mentioned. People who are affected this long do not last.

    Background details: It attaches itself to the homes of different people, sapping the life energy out of any person indiscriminately to feed. This entity is not to be trifled with.

    Weaknesses: The Krragnar can be seen through certian devices occasionly, the most consistent device being a thermal reader. The radius of which one would feel side affects is relitively small, being only 50ft, give or take. An offering can be made to banish the entity from one's home by adding to a fire;

    • one drop of the home-owner's blood
    • a rose petal
    • a pinch of sage

    These offerings must be wrapped in a paper that contains the person's wishes to banish the Krragnar from the home. The Krragnar cannot phase through lead or graveyards, the reasons being unkown.

    Drawing (not my artwork):

  2. Edited 7 years ago by Abbasilol

    Monster Name: The Reapers

    Physical description: Humanoid Ghostly Undead, Crew of the most power pirate in the history, Bael!, they are 16 crew members with captain, entirly 17 ppl are on the Ghostly Ship, they have forms depending on how they died, Some of them are skeletons, some of them ghouls, and some of them Undead(Half flesh half bone). Captain Bael is a skeleton, with his famous captain hat, and nothing else but a rusty old sword and a gun and a pipe.BUT they are not physical, they are all ghosts, in the shape of skeleton, ghoul and undead. and their ship and ALL Of their tools, is ghost too!, also they glow in one light, and the color of light changes with seasons, they glow Purple in automn, White in winter, Green in spring, and Yellow in summer. the name of their ship is Angel of Death.

    Additional abilities: they are not affected by ANY physical or even magical powers and stuff, they possess the power of death, only something dat possess death can affect them. their tools are ghost too, so they are not affected by anything, witch means their sword will just simply cut any mortal structure, and their bullets too,and their cannons ofc... . bullets are not affected by gravity or air, so they never stop going, when they shoot, the bullet will go on until it passes the atmosphere of earth and will go on forever in the void. their guns ammo is limitless and they dont even need to reload. they can slowly fly through the air, up and down, moving toward walls and stuff like regular ghosts, and their ship flies in the sky, they are invisible in the night to mortal beings, and cannot come outside in daylight, they`ll go to dephs of the earth beneath the oceans in their huge caves with all of the treasures of the history in it.
    They feast on nightmares, in night they`ll come out flying above cities, visiting houses and seeking ppl who are sleeping, and seeing a nightmare, to them, there is a dark cloud around the head of victim, they gather it into their ghoustly rusty ol` bottles`o`rum, and when its close to sunrise, they`ll go to the caves below and will drink and dance and laugh and tell jokes and stories to each other. gathering the Dark cloud will cause Hallucination in nights to the victim, hearing evil laughters of the dead, worst nightmares for a while, and sometimes for weak mortals, even death, they just simply wont wake up. while gathering the Dark cloud, the nightmare of that person will be at its height. They also can Use *Call of the seven Seas* every 100 year, you can see what it is below.

    Weaknesses: they will starve if they run out of Dark cloud rums,they are weak to those who possess the power death, they`ll be just humans with old rusty weapons to them. they are very passive and stubborn, they are afraid of daylight and will be blind in daylight.

    I liked yer idea Goldie :) , sry im busy these days, but i liked to post one of my monsters here, sry its long i know, thx for reading.

  3. Background Details:(Optional, Nerds Only)
    Background details (optional): they are cursed to live in the world of the living while they are dead, when their brethren are resting in the realm of dead.
    Once archangel of beauty considered them as ugly worthless beings, and a disgrace to the world, so she decided to destroy them, she went to the archangel of death and asked for help.
    later on archangels noticed they cannot fight them in day since they are in their den, and they cannon find them too since they are not fresh souls to reap for archangel of death, or living beings visible to archangel of beauty, and if they wanted to fight themselves, it was a risk, archangels were too imortant and what if humans see them ? so they decided to create an army of angels of death, with power of death, similar to The Reapers themselves.
    they made a shadowy armada with angels of death as its crew, it had thousands of glorious ships, power, advanced and infused with the power of death.
    they marched earth on night so they were invisible to mortals, When Bael saw this, he knew the Reapers have no chance againts angels armada, so they Went to the Horn of the seven seas, what could only be used once a century, it could call all of his brethren from the realm of the dead for 13 days, they blew into the horn when the Angel`s armada were visible in the horizon in a rainy night, the Pirate fleet rose from the earth, all of the pirates of the history, Including davy Jones, Me(Jacksparrow), barbarosa etc. they flew up near the Bael, angels were shocked, a great battle were going to happen.
    Fleets crashed into each other, cannons firing, swords tilting,angels flying around, some of them getting shot by gunslingers like how a hunter shoots a bird. but still the pirate fleet were weaker, angels were powerful, mighty beings, when they were only humans to them since the angels possessed the power of death too, and their swords were rusty and old, not so useful againts advanced angelic armor. they were loosing the war, angels were trempling over the pirates, Bael, desperate, got a great idea, he went to Davy jones, asked him to realease the Kraken!
    So they did, Ghost of the Kraken Rose from the ocean below them, and this time, he was not going to scare ppl, it was a war, he attacked with brute and unstopable force, Crushing the Angel armada, Pirates Hoorayed in happiness and rallied, they were winning, and so they did.
    Archangels, watching from distance, realised their defeat, and their mistake of being so prideful, so they returned to where they came from.
    Pirates, went to the Wailing cavrens below, and celebrated for 12 days until the Bael`s brethren had to leave, they said their goodbyes, but this time, when they were leaving, Bael told dat he will make a way to realese everyone from being trapped in one realm, wheter the dead or alive.(This event happend 210 years ago from now, So, Bael already made an attempt to Open a permenant between realm of dead and living but his mission failed, so he waited another century, planning for second mission... dat is going to happen anytime...)