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I know who leaked cords to Skull Mountain

  1. 6 years ago

    Recently Nerd Nation was raided and Skull Mountain was destroyed. Immediately after seeing Neridie's video I began to research how it was found. Thru my research and extensive network of friends I learned some very interesting facts. I also learned certain people were accusing me of selling cords to the base. Well I am here to clear my name and expose the real person that released the cords and the reason why they did. I will give the person 24 hours to post in this forum topic a full confession and apologize to me for allowing suspicion to fall on me. If this person fails to confess in the allotted time I will post proof of what they did. The clock starts now . The real question is will he man up.

  2. Hey guys xd I "know" some info from my "extensive research" but instead of just going forward with my info like a normal person would, I'm going to wait until the person confesses themself!

    hehe maybe he'll fall for it and confess and then I can really find out who leaked the coords since I have absolutely no proof of my claim!

    Oh! And you only have 24 hours!

    That'll make him scared for sure xddd

  3. Edited 6 years ago by DoppyRex

    well 20 hours to go
    Also the supposed leaker is on @deyahruhd and @SharpSerac

  4. Edited 6 years ago by humfrydog

    well I appreciate that the ALT fell on the sword. Lets take vote shall we. Give the player the full 24 hours or release my info now?

  5. Of course fuckin now!
    who do you think will say give him 24 hours, also im pretty sure the leaker saw your post already and had the time to confess, excluding of course every other time before the post when he had the opportunity to come on his own

  6. I am a man o my word, I gave the person 24 hours and 24 hours they will get. then i release my proof to all of craftymynes to do with it as they see fit

  7. DId in fact the real person behind it confess? No his Alt confessed, I want the true perpetrator of this action and I do have proof. In just over 18 hours I will post my proof,until then get popcorn and enjoy the show.

  8. -image-
    We are all watching, waiting. You really gonna make us wait 18 hours?

    Most of us wont be on in 18h for the grand reveal.

  9. @humfrydog To stoke the fires of discontent, LMAO

    in other words: "i want the leaker to sweat at the possibility that i know information so he'll come clean right now"

    but you have no proof because there is literally none, the probability that there is proof is 0.01%

    but i guess if i have to wait 18 hours to find out you have nothing on the leaker i'll play along

  10. Well I don't know what to post here. I guess I'll just post my likes on Soundcoud: Should give everyone at least 5 hours of music to listen to while we wait for @humfrydog to reveal the mole account's identitiy.

  11. does this mean i really need to stay awake for another 3 hours? lol,. i hope you all have your alarms set.

  12. Came just in time, 2 hours until we hear humfry's accusation

  13. 24 Hours has past and it is time to reveal my proof. First a little info about me. I am a long time Craftymnes player of nearly 3 years. My Ticks are currently over 63 million. During my time on this server I have helped a lot of players, done various builds and traveled far and wide. I have made, gave away or sold multiple bases. My word is my bond and I have never sold anyone's base cord or even gave them away for any reason. My reputation precedes me and allows me travel all over the server.
    I submit the following evidence to the court of Craftymynes. Here it is straight from the persons mouth. I have done my best to trim it to the bare minimum to protect my sources and other affected. You decide who to believe..............................




  14. Deny, deny, deny. The truth hurts all you tried to find out for the last 24 hours was who the mole was. You never asked who leaked cords. 2 minutes after the first post you were on discord. LMAO Exposed, I have the full transcripts.


  15. Edited 6 years ago by Cileklim

    @DankerFan I was there for that conversation it was 1000% just joking around

    You joined the forum 22 hours ago, 2 hours after humfry posted this thread. Fake account?

  16. Someone in the community of craftymynes is trying to frame Nerdie and making us think he is the one leaking cords. Let's see who this could be shall we? First of framing Nerdie would turn the server against him. Therefor his faction would not grow and eventually collapse therefore removing an extremely active faction leaving Team Eye victorious. Hmmm