This review will NOT contain any spoilers on how to complete the maze. While it will talk about some of the concepts used in the maze, you will not learn anything on how to solve it by reading this post. These ratings are only my personal opinions.

Difficulty: HARD
Originality: 9/10
Level Design: 4/10
Scare Factor: 4/10
Enjoyability: Oh, boy, tough one... Let's say 7/10

Never seen anything quite like this maze before...The classic trick of hugging the wall won't work for this one! Multiple levels and frequent teleportation (including tracks that take you back to previous levels) constantly keep you guessing, confused, and very, very lost. :P This could be implemented in a lot more mazes. It turns the experience into more of a puzzle/memory game instead of tedious wandering along walls.

Level Design
Hmm, where do I start...? :P Think I'll just get all my criticism off my chest here. Maze creators, please don't feel too bad...I really do appreciate all the work you've put into creating this. :P

Can't Leave - This one explains itself. I think if it was a shorter maze, the whole you-can't-teleport-out-no-matter-what thing wouldn't be too bad, but as it is, it's just too time-consuming to force people to stay in there. This is mostly a survival server, after all. :)

Can't Restart - It would be great to be able to just restart the maze from the beginning if you get totally lost. My friend Rexshell joined after I was already in the maze, and we were hoping to go through it together, but I was already lost inside and in over my head. By some miracle, we did manage to find each other eventually, but it would be nice to implement a feature like that.

Length - It's just too long. I can understand getting teleported back a level or two to keep you on your toes, but not multiple levels, or all the way back to the beginning. I'm guessing this maze would take AT LEAST a half hour to get through, IF you know every single path to take (and believe me, there are many). Count in losing tons of progress to a single wrong turn (which, I would like to add, is just plain frustrating), and you're looking at well over an hour. Rexshell and I completed it together in a little over an hour and fifteen minutes, but we used screenshare over Discord to help guide each other through based on what we could remember, so it was a team effort. Probably the average single player is looking at an hour and a half to two hours of time spent in the maze.

Doors and Halls - There are just too many doors. I'm going to hear the sounds of pressure plates and iron doors smacking shut in my sleep. :P Even in straight hallways, you had to walk through countless doors, although there was only one way to go. Speaking of those hallways, there were a few stretches where you just had to walk down one preordained path for a long time. While I was glad for the not-getting-lost factor, it was just another time-consuming element that I could have done without.

Slowness/Nausea - Not scary, just annoying. Especially the slowness, which is so intense you literally cannot move unless you jump.

Lighting - Low lighting is scary, pitch black is annoying. The first level was good, with periodic redstone torches, but when you can hardly see what you're doing, frustration gets real.

Now, for the good points: I did like how the floors were made of different blocks, so you could tell where you were. The cake room was cool--I thought for sure we were dead when we hit that level because the cake is a lie... :P 2x1 hallways are never fun, but I guess for a spooky maze, it makes sense. The implementation of stairs in the iron level was a nice change of scenery; I would have liked to see more of that sort of thing. I'm not sure what I think about the door rooms.

Scare Factor
First off, I would like to say I didn't get jumpscared once. I mean, I got jumpscared hundreds of times, but nothing spooked me, not even the first one. Probably part of it is the initial understanding that pressure plates activate things, and this is a Halloween maze, so obviously pressure plates are probably going to trigger jumpscares. Another part is that the sounds were too frequent to really do anything to my psyche. After watching a bunch of horror games and maps, I've learned you have to lead people into a false sense of security and keep the spooks rare, so they never know when it's coming. I would suggest more visual jumpscares as well, as opposed to audio. Elder guardian is on the right track, but gets old after a bit, and it's too slow. Maybe momentary teleportations to dark rooms showing something scary? It's gotta be quick and startling.

All that being said, I did rate the scare factor 4/10 instead of 1 or 0. That's because when Rexshell and I went through it, we literally stood cowering in corners afraid to step on pressure plates, because the farther we got, the more terrified we were that we'd be teleported back. All. The way. To the beginning. That was something neither of us wanted to deal with, especially after an hour of pointless wandering. The farther we went, the more nervous we got. I've never experienced a scare tactic quite like that before.

I want to say I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the maze, but it's not love, and it's not's two different unrecognizable feelings. :P On the one hand, it's really unique. I thought I was going to whip through this maze using the wall-hugging trick, and I got taken down a peg, so I appreciated that. On the other hand, it just takes SO LONG...I thought I could check out the maze quick and then sort out some chests at my base, maybe come back to the maze later if I couldn't solve it right away. Instead, I was stuck in there for well over an hour, and I couldn't get done what I wanted to last night. I can understand wanting people to not just give up on the maze, but maybe some kind of warning about the length of the maze and a reiteration that you literally can't leave until you finish would be helpful, so people know what they're getting themselves into when they step on that plate.

Feel free to post your own opinions below! Please try to avoid spoilers for the consideration of others, though. Thanks!