Message from PenguinCommander

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    You guys(or penguins) still around?

  3. Fear not, friend! We still are here. Building and biding our time.

  4. I'd like to join ur fac

  5. @PenguinCommander Fear not, friend! We still are here. Building and biding our time.

    Nice! I was hoping you guys hadn't died off because you provide quite the excitement! I'll leave this penguin symbol here also.


  6. Edited 8 years ago by mightymyntz

    @FishW Nice! I was hoping you guys hadn't died off because you provide quite the excitement! I'll leave this penguin symbol here also.


    You forgot the "noot noot!" Fish xD

  7. can i join the mackeral

  8. @SharpSerac can i join the mackeral

    lmao so trustworthy xd

  9. Blesian

    8 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @argonFiles lmao so trustworthy xd

    lmao doesn't even play on the server xd

  10. does it take a genius to know that some suspicious dude who goes around asking everyone is probably not trustworthy?

  11. Blesian

    8 Jun 2016 Suspended

    I think SharpSerac is just a friendly member of the community that is a peaceful guy wanting to join the RIGHT faction that suits him, what's not to trust argonnoobles

  12. @deathadder I think SharpSerac is just a friendly member of the community that is a peaceful guy wanting to join the RIGHT faction that suits him, what's not to trust argonnoobles


    ..are..are you ten?

  13. Blesian

    8 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @argonFiles >noobies

    ..are..are you ten?

    Keep the thread on topic plz

  14. He certainly behaves like he is ten...

  15. Blesian

    8 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @_Haxington_ He certainly behaves like he is ten...

    As current leader and commander of the celestial order forces and as much as I enjoy your presence pls keep your salt to yourself sir!

  16. Oh but that was just the sugar.

    Haven't used the salt yet.

  17. im just a friendly guy wanting to join the right faction, idk why argon, who doesn't play on this server for whatever reason, thinks im such a bad guy :( i feel so attacked right now

  18. Blesian

    8 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @SharpSerac im just a friendly guy wanting to join the right faction, idk why argon, who doesn't play on this server for whatever reason, thinks im such a bad guy :( i feel so attacked right now

    Ignore that argon guy man! fuck the haters. You keep on keeping on my dude.

  19. Maybe people will start trusting you if you give them a reason to trust you... :o

  20. @_Haxington_ hey dude lay off him hes obviously traumatized by the way your treating him rn.

  21. give people a reason to trust me? this sounds like im guilty until proven innocent, and i havent done anything! @deathadder @ORCA_Gnome you guys are very supportive, thank you so much! you two are definitely helping me get past this bullying from @_Haxington_

  22. Newer ›

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