Home/Spawn Bug Report

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    I don't even have to press ESC to get out of it. Not sure wtf happened but now I just blip to the end spawn and then to my home/spawn
    Doesn't give me the credits at all anymore

  3. If you tp home in the nether it will send you straight home.

  4. ^ yes, but it also happens when I tp in the overworld

  5. It used to happen to me all the time, but in the past few weeks it hasn't happened once. But yeah, it's a normal thing.

  6. It usually doesn't give me the credits, sometimes though.

  7. -image-

    Perhaps if you actually read the book you would see that it says it is normal...

  8. I am curious as to how you arent getting credits when you tp home if you are in the overworld. Being as i play on other vanilla servers i always notice that the credits happen and I fully understand why, just i questiom why they wouldnt. Maybe you have a superior rig to the one I am used to. Or maybe everyone is so use to it we instinctivly tap esc. Either way i am curious lol.

  9. As a side note when i say i am curious as to how you don't get credits when you tp home, I mean you, cause last I checked I had credits lol.

  10. I may have a theory if someone wants to play around, it may have something to do with the dragon...

  11. Color me intrigued! Please explain!

  12. Hmm, even in the nether I still get credits, I have no idea tbh...

  13. I get the credits even if im not in the End.

  14. I think if your character has killed the dragon at least once in-game, the end credits won't show for you

  15. Oh thats it! Nice find!

  16. ^^^ Thats why, my alt has killed it, but I haven't, knew it was something to do with the dragon though.

  17. Can confirm, killed the dragon, I don't get End Credits.

  18. I didn't kill the dragon and I don't get credits

  19. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    It may be that you only need to be online when its killed, to not get the credits or in the end at the time.

  20. Can also confirm, I've never actually gotten the killing blow on a dragon, I was just next to people when they killed it.

  21. ^Same, i'm guessing you just have to be in the end, or less than a certain distance away from the dragon

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