Mob Griefing and Fire Spreading

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  2. 8 years ago
    Deleted 7 years ago by r4iscool1
  3. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  4. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    A similar idea to what @NutjobBob mentioned, why not enable mob griefing but keep it off around 2k of spawn?

    It prevents explosions from making it harder to keep spawn area clean and lets players have a more "vanilla" gameplay.

    Which is a win-win situation if you ask me.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by 2Chill

    @R4iscool1 We aren't hiring extra staff just for the purpose of janitor so that a no go, as for a mob sapper it's possible to make one however there are other important issues with that approach as crafty will likely explain.

    I'm sorry but you don't appear to be very appreciative of the work staff do.. many of the staff spend long long period cleaning spawn for the benefit of the community.
    Objectively there is plenty of reasons to disable mob griefing if you want to go into it, all of the reasons you list are opinions that you think they will they improve the gameplay experience, other players may and do disagree and feel that they take from the experience.
    Some feel creeper explosions are an uneccesry feature others believe that introducing large large auto farms would ruin the server economy and lead to more lag.

    I am also sorry if i am misreading something but which part makes you feel he isnt being appreciative of the work we do with cleaning ? i clean everyday i am on for a couple hours at least , i didnt see in any way he wasnt being appreciative of it ? also the whole cleaning thing of spawn... should that not be pushed further back as a smaller dispute ? I would love to hear from crafty on more of the reasons of the mob zapper . I am actually highly confused why this keeps slipping back to "Cleaning " .

  6. Also about the farms , we already have people who have farms that lag like crazy @ the huge pumpkin ones ...not to call any names but im sure you have seen them , and they will drop your frames by alot and surely lag the server also already.

  7. Deleted 8 years ago by 2Chill
  8. @R4iscool1 I do believe that /entitydata would work however it suffers from much of the same weaknesses of a mob zapper approach in that for it to be truly effective it would need to run on a loop every few seconds which means server performance could take a hit and corruption is more likely to occur.

    I'm not very knowledgeable about commands, but I suspect most of the command blocks on the server already run on a clock repeating every tick. I'm not sure if adding an entitydata clock would actually cause a problem. Regardless, I'm sure the Boss know what he's doing and whether doing something like this is feasible.

    @R4iscool1 the server is balanced with mob grief off in mind

    I'm not really sure what you mean by this.
    If you're talking about using villager farming as a way to get emeralds: Without looking too much into the numbers I'm fairly sure that auto melon/pumpkin farms are a much faster way to get emeralds than villager farms.
    If you mean villager breeding you might have a point. Although Baron's post you quoted above can go both ways. Having mob griefing on makes villagers who give you incredible stuff easy to work with, but it's balanced by having the danger of creepers exploding your houseand zombies tearing into your encampment.

    @Cileklim A similar idea to what @NutjobBob mentioned, why not enable mob griefing but keep it off around 2k of spawn?

    If this is possible, great! I only suggested setting explosion radii to 0 because I didn't think it was possible to change gamerules in a specific area.

  9. @Cileklim A similar idea to what @NutjobBob mentioned, why not enable mob griefing but keep it off around 2k of spawn?

    It prevents explosions from making it harder to keep spawn area clean and lets players have a more "vanilla" gameplay.

    Which is a win-win situation if you ask me.

    Impossible to set a gamerule within a range, Nutjobs idea has benefits but there is also some cons that need to be carefully balanced against them if it were to be considered.
    Nor does it address the fact many people don't like creeper explosions in the first place.

    @2Chill I am also sorry if i am misreading something but which part makes you feel he isnt being appreciative of the work we do with cleaning ? i clean everyday i am on for a couple hours at least , i didnt see in any way he wasnt being appreciative of it ? also the whole cleaning thing of spawn... should that not be pushed further back as a smaller dispute ? I would love to hear from crafty on more of the reasons of the mob zapper . I am actually highly confused why this keeps slipping back to "Cleaning " .

    It slips back to cleaning because many of us know what spawn was like before we had mob grief disabled and the mess of craters it was.
    His suggestions that we just add more staff and seeming lack of care for the job that done where what lead me to the conclusion that he didn't seem to fully appreciate it, perhaps I'm wrong but the post certainly gave that impression.

    @2Chill Also about the farms , we already have people who have farms that lag like crazy @ the huge pumpkin ones ...not to call any names but im sure you have seen them , and they will drop your frames by alot and surely lag the server also already.

    So what ?
    becuase we allow one thing that allows lots of lag we should allow everything ?

    @NutjobBob I'm not very knowledgeable about commands, but I suspect most of the command blocks on the server already run on a clock repeating every tick. I'm not sure if adding an entitydata clock would actually cause a problem. Regardless, I'm sure the Boss know what he's doing and whether doing something like this is feasible.

    I'm not really sure what you mean by this.
    If you're talking about using villager farming as a way to get emeralds: Without looking too much into the numbers I'm fairly sure that auto melon/pumpkin farms are a much faster way to get emeralds than villager farms.
    If you mean villager breeding you might have a point. Although Baron's post you quoted above can go both ways. Having mob griefing on makes villagers who give you incredible stuff easy to work with, but it's balanced by having the danger of creepers exploding your houseand zombies tearing into your encampment.

    If this is possible, great! I only suggested setting explosion radii to 0 because I didn't think it was possible to change gamerules in a specific area.

    I don't think so but it would have to be something you would need to ask crafty to verify, the only example I can think of that runs on a repeating clock would be the entity clear and the bat remover which is disabled.

    Villager farming is much cheaper than melon farming and easy to scale however with some of the designs out there the difference in output isn't that large and offset by not having to spend on pistons and the like.

    I don't really think creepers are actually much of a threat to an end game player, they already deal identical damage so I'm unsure as to why having them blow small holes in your base rarely would balance the fact the game became much easier with regards to breeding.

  10. @R4iscool1 Impossible to set a gamerule within a range, Nutjobs idea has benefits but there is also some cons that need to be carefully balanced against them if it were to be considered.
    Nor does it address the fact many people don't like creeper explosions in the first place.

    I agree there are many who don't , but many also don't mind has we have seen here on the thread so far , Not saying it matters but seem to be more post for those who want it on than those who don't .

    It slips back to cleaning because many of us know what spawn was like before we had mob grief disabled and the mess of craters it was.
    His suggestions that we just add more staff and seeming lack of care for the job that done where what lead me to the conclusion that he didn't seem to fully appreciate it, perhaps I'm wrong but the post certainly gave that impression.

    I have seen it , below and above and i agree its a fking mess indeed , but im not sure what the standards were there with cleaning , how often was it done ? how many staff were there , still as many as we have here now ? more staff =more cleaning going on i would assume . As i said i dont know every detail but i have had a tour of the 1.8 server with crafty and creeperlord.

    So what ?
    becuase we allow one thing that allows lots of lag we should allow everything ?

    Not at all basically saying , you seemingly made it seem that we don't already have things of that nature going on ,i was just pointing out that we do in other ways , i .e. if you allowed the farming methods with use of villagers ,then alot of the contraptions used to get around it wouldn't be needed also correct? it feels you make it seem there would be no self correction , if i am not mistaken there would be as i just explained .

    Villager farming is much cheaper than melon farming and easy to scale however with some of the designs out there the difference in output isn't that large and offset by not having to spend on pistons and the like.

    ^ e.i less redstone contraptions needed.

    I don't really think creepers are actually much of a threat to an end game player, they already deal identical damage so I'm unsure as to why having them blow small holes in your base rarely would balance the fact the game became much easier with regards to breeding.

    Means you would actually have to worry about using lighting correctly lol , instead of just saying oh well i can wait or its fine mobs wont blow my build up anyway , lots of us are guitly of this already.
    Believe it or not i dont really mind so much wether its ever on or off , though i agree with it being on for the better as most of us have a side in it but alot of the arguements can be countered easily i think we can agree , it's going to boil down to command blks/lag etc with what crafty has to say/thinks , everything else i think is based alot on preference so if we knew what the limitations actually were then we could say one way or the other ok its possible and wont do any server damage ie. in relation to lag,corruption or what not .

  11. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    @2Chill would

    Which is exactly what I have been saying, some people want it on, some don't it's entirely a personal preference/opinion however the technical issues should be one of the main deciding, followed by that the staff workload and of course crafty's opinion which is the most important deciding factor.

  12. @R4iscool1 Which is exactly what I have been saying, some people want it on, some don't it's entirely a personal preference/opinion however the technical issues should be one of the main deciding, followed by that the staff workload and of course crafty's opinion which is the most important deciding factor.

    Agreed for sure.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    @R4iscool1 Nor does it address the fact many people don't like creeper explosions in the first place.

    We're not "many people" but I'm pretty sure a lot of players would like to play CM in a more realistic way.

    Especially Wither, which was supposed to be extremely hard to beat without multiple players in vanilla.

    We're here to address the fact that some, if not all, of your player base likes the paranoia feel creepers give, and wants to play the game as pure as possible.

  14. @Cileklim We're not "many people" but I'm pretty sure a lot of players would like to play CM in a more realistic way.

    Especially Wither, which was supposed to be extremely hard to beat without multiple players in vanilla.

    We're here to address the fact that some, if not all, of your player base likes the paranoia feel creepers give, and wants to play the game as pure as possible.

    Exactly what Im trying to point out. Disabling mob griefing removes a feature which is designed and supposedly be there in vanilla survival. And because of that we cant do the things that is related to it (e.g. wither, auto farms, snow, creeper paranoia). "Zero" possibility because simply we remove it.

    Now on the other argument that its because of "disliked creeper explosion" or "ruined spawn" Im pretty much sure we can do something about it. Solutions that we can do.

    Again Ill make this a comparison, so I could be "more" objective.
    Mob griefing on
    Problem: creeper explosion and ruined spawn
    Solution: There is (Ive already point some in my earlier post)

    Mob griefing off
    Problem: no auto farms, weak bosses, reduced vanilla experience
    Solution: nada! Just live with it that you cant do these things (which pains me)

    I hope I made a clear argument.

    R4, I dont know why you have the impression that I dont appreciate staff effort. If you mean that because I opened up all the other arguments that I think are relevant and not focus on cleaning the spawn argument, which is just one issue, then I apologize for not being that clear. My post is just to show the "other" arguments and to gather the opinion of the community. I played a lot of time in the server that I feel all these "other" arguments are valid but not clearly expressed. This is what Im trying to show. Of course I have my own biasness. Im pro mob griefing (thats why I started this thread) but I tried to listen to the other side (thats why I also list them and make comparison). I hope you could also listen to the other side.


  15. @Cileklim We're not "many people" but I'm pretty sure a lot of players would like to play CM in a more realistic way.

    Especially Wither, which was supposed to be extremely hard to beat without multiple players in vanilla.

    We're here to address the fact that some, if not all, of your player base likes the paranoia feel creepers give, and wants to play the game as pure as possible.

    Just as a lot would like to play it in a slightly less "Realistic" way. As has been expressed in this thread. Your opinion on that basis is no more important than theirs. It may in the end be out to vote to account for this.

    I mean nothing is stopping you from spawning him above ground if you want to fight him like that. I know it's not indetical since they still cant break blocks however with features like set home and the like it never would be precisely the same anyway.

    The server doesn't just cater to you or a certain group of players wants, it aims to satisfy all the players many of which don't enjoy said paranoia.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    @R4iscool1 Your opinion on that basis is no more important than theirs. It may in the end be out to vote to account for this.

    And their opinion is not more important than ours.

    @R4iscool1 The server doesn't just cater to you or a certain group of players wants, it aims to satisfy all the players

    Yes, you guys need to take opinions of everyone else.

    @R4iscool1 many of which don't enjoy said paranoia.

    This cannot be proven until we do some kind of vote about it. Actually, you're right- Let's do a poll!

  17. Personally I'm pro mob griefing, bring on the paranoia!!

  18. Deleted 8 years ago by _Ami_13_
  19. @NutjobBob but I suspect most of the command blocks on the server already run on a clock repeating every tick

    I was going by this image:
    The purple blocks on the right are repeating command blocks that run every tick.

    @R4iscool1 Villager farming is much cheaper than melon farming

    True, however because melons/pumpkins only have to go through 1 random update tick to grow rather than 8 for other crops, and because they trade at a rate of 7/8 per emerald, rather than 15, melon/pumpkin farms are 4-5 times faster than villager farms for getting emeralds.

    @R4iscool1 Just as a lot would like to play it in a slightly less "Realistic" way.

    The big selling point of the sever is that it's vanilla, people come to for an experience like they would get in a single player world, but with other people. The tp's and set home don't really fit into this, but as Crafty has said they're required for the community, and for the server to stay competitive. People join expecting these features and you can see it in the chat.
    To most people mob griefing is an aspect of vanilla, whether they like it or not. Quite often you see new people joining asking why creepers don't blow up blocks. In my opinion, if technically possible, mob griefing should be on to keep with the vanilla aspect of the server. Regardless of whether people like it or not.

    (and before anyone says gamerules are part of vanilla, should we also have perma-day, keep inventory, and no health regen?)

  20. @Cileklim And their opinion is not more important than ours.

    Yes, you guys need to take opinions of everyone else.

    This cannot be proven until we do some kind of vote about it. Actually, you're right- Let's do a poll!

    If you have noticed I didn't say there opinion was more important, in fact this whole thread I have stated thst the decision should come down to the technical and functional decisions as to whether or not it should be implemented.

    Well it can be proven since people have already stated that it they do not.

  21. @jamlbon A poll you say ehh

    If crafty feels like it's a viable option then he may decide to create a proper poll. Please do not create one at current.

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