Mob Griefing and Fire Spreading

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  2. 8 years ago

    If you make the End out of materials such as, Iron Bars, Endstone, and Obsiddian the dragon can not break it.

  3. I don't want creepers wandering into my home and destroying my shit.

    mobGriefing = false for president 2k16

  4. I don't want creepers blowing up all my hard work either. I don't care if it makes villager breeding harder. This is what we signed up for when we chose CM to be our minecraft home. And fire spread is the worst idea ever. I rtped once and found myself in a spruce forest where some noob tried to burn the entire forest down, but because fires spread is off, nothing disastrous happened. If it was on, no doubt everything around spawn and rtp would be burned to the ground from randoms that hop on the server, troll, and leave. I mean, personally, I don't like the idea of living in a world of half burnt trees, craters and blown up chunks everywhere, and all my chests blown up and items scattered(you'll half to outrun the item clear or risk all your goodies cleaning that up every time a creeper gets too close). And just think of what would happen if someone didn't take precaution when it came to the wither? How much damage is that thing gonna do before someone kills it? It could destroy an entire city that could have taken months of hard work to build. I vote no on mob griefing.

  5. @Spy21DD Instead of cleaning, why not just reset the spawn chunks every restart? *Cough* That takes care of the work and still keeps the "Creepers are more evil" aspect alive.

    You can't just selectively reset chunks in vanilla like that.
    You also come across the problem of people losing stuff and spawning inside stone then, even if it where possible.

  6. @OmegaSniper4eva If you make the End out of materials such as, Iron Bars, Endstone, and Obsiddian the dragon can not break it.

    Wouldn't look very nice then.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    @_Drachenzorn_ Well i feel like we are going back to this single "take care of the spawn" issue, when Im pointing out is the limting aspect of the mob griefing being disabled. Dont takw me wrong I really appreciate the work done in maintaining the spawn but its the gameplay im pointing. As i enumerated above, we are missing these gameplays in our current settings. I could agree with firespread disabled but mob griefing could make our gameplay complete.

    Many people feel that this feature negatively impacts on their gameplay experience however.
    A lot of people enjoy the current balance.
    We are all well aware of exactly what mob griefing can do but it's not worth activating I think, especially since we may end up having to nerf villagers at spawn.

  8. I've brought this up awhile ago in 1.8 too. No on fire spread (far too little return of a more "vanilla experience" for impact to the server), yes on mob griefing.

  9. First off, I wrote this post once but accidently exited out before posting...... So here I go again.

    There is a small compromise. A command block set to testfor creepers, ender dragons, withers, ghasts, or whatever mobs plus or minus, pick and choose from thay list. Then another command runs that sets mobgriefing to false. Then when the mob is back out of range mob griefing to true. And yes before everyone posts with "that is the most idiotic thing ever" i must say yes. It is very illogical for a server of this size to try something like that. Maybe you'll get some inspriation. Idk. Dont hate me pls.
    (P.s. the first version of this was more fluent and poetic. You wouldve cried lol)

  10. In all respect were going for the technical aspects, and functionality, not how pretty something looks, yes the cosmetics are nice and all but, functionality over appearance. I'm Sure Crafty will find the way to Have the best of both worlds. The only negative arguments the community is having are. Creepers will blow up there shit when they're "not paying attention or working on a build" or "Staff will have more to clean up. " There are answers to both of these problems. The first solution to creepers blowing up your builds or when your not paying attention. Light Up The Place there are plentiful lighting options choose one go with it. As for options to take down Staff Work if grieffing was incorporated, I'm not a genius with command blocks but im sure you could put in something like the mob zapper you have around spawn. Or hire a type of staff that is Titled Janitor or something similar that also helps clean up. I'm not fully settled on this answer but i'm sure crafty will have an better time Coming up with an answer if he takes this into Consideration.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by _Drachenzorn_

    Im looking at this on a pros and cons stand point.

    Cons mob griefing on:

    1. Creeper and ghast explosion
    2. Spawn ugly ( because of number 1 reason)
    3. Noobs griefing or just being noobs

    Work around:

    1. make your build creeper or ghast proof
    2. Commands or additional helper (or the suggested janitor) staff
    3. Kill the noobs lol

    Pros mob griefing on

    1. Viilager breeding efficiency
    2. Vilager farming AI (wheat auto farms)
    3. Wither related auto farm
    4. Snow farms

    Work around:

    1. Trade with them to make them "willing" to breed
    2. Nothing we could do here
    3. same ^
    4. same ^

    This is funny but the work around is just dont build them. lol.
    For a builder like me, I'm missing a lot. And for the cons, I believe you can look on the positive side. Creeper explosion and noobs griefing is part of vanilla experience.

    And i believe the community would agree on these list of pros and cons. And i believe from this list there are more pros than cons.

    Im just trying to be more objective

  12. Edited 8 years ago by PenguinMytyMJ

    @_Drachenzorn_ Im looking at this on a pros and cons stand point.

    Cons mob griefing on:

    1. Creeper and ghast explosion
    2. Spawn ugly ( because of number 1 reason)

    Work around:

    1. make your build creeper or ghast proof
    2. Commands or additional helper (or the suggested janitor) staff

    Pros mob griefing on

    1. Viilager breeding efficiency
    2. Vilager farming AI (wheat auto farms)
    3. Wither related auto farm
    4. Snow farms

    Work around:
    This is funny, but just dont build them. Not of a work around really cause I cant think of work arounds for these good things you will be missing.

    And i believe the community would agree on these list of pros and cons. And i believe from this list there are more pros than cons.

    Im just trying to be more objective

    And of course nubs greifing or being nubs with the wither, especially above ground.
    I am a penguin, snow farms are needed for me, despite working withers I vote mob greif on

  13. Sooo. I'm just going to weigh in here a little.
    If be very much against fire spread being turned back on, as it would mean most of my base and worst it's caves would go dark. Plus the technical reason.

    For mob griefing, I'm unsure of. I know if it had already been on my base would be littered with holes. As would much of anywhere that has large traffic.

  14. @Spy21DD Instead of cleaning, why not just reset the spawn chunks every restart? *Cough* That takes care of the work and still keeps the "Creepers are more evil" aspect alive.

    This issue is something @CraftyMyner can explain. I remember some time ago there was a talk about it

  15. Imo mob griefing should either be totally on or totally off not being selective just so it's beneficial that being said I'm against it being on.

  16. I see alot of great post here from both sides just want to say its nice to see the community log onto the forums and voice opinions regardless of the outcome :D shows just how awesome the community is

  17. IMO mob griefing should be turned on, the wither boss is just not hard enough and without mob grefing many parts of vanilla are disabled, and i can understand firespread but this is a VANILLA server, shouldnt we stick to the more VANILLA type of stuff? also a janitor rank, or"cleanupspawn" points can be awarded to later to be redeemed for something will help with the spawn issue, also reseting spawn chunks will lead to players camping a cave with diamonds in it, server chunks reset and they re-mine the diamonds!(genius idea)

  18. @Spy21DD Instead of cleaning, why not just reset the spawn chunks every restart? *Cough* That takes care of the work and still keeps the "Creepers are more evil" aspect alive.

    also reseting spawn chunks will lead to players camping a cave with diamonds in it, server chunks reset and they re-mine the diamonds!(genius idea)

    I hope the genius idea part is a joke
    Think of how fucked the economy would become? Itd be a litteral infinte source of everything. Spawn would still have to be cleaned by us. While i wouldnt mind i could imagine itd be more damaged a lot
    Id be borderline with it being on or off by any rate

  19. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    @OmegaSniper4eva looks

    We aren't hiring extra staff just for the purpose of janitor so that a no go, as for a mob sapper it's possible to make one however there are other important issues with that approach as crafty will likely explain.

    @_Drachenzorn_ Im looking at this on a pros and cons stand point.

    Cons mob griefing on:

    1. Creeper and ghast explosion
    2. Spawn ugly ( because of number 1 reason)
    3. Noobs griefing or just being noobs

    Work around:

    1. make your build creeper or ghast proof
    2. Commands or additional helper (or the suggested janitor) staff
    3. Kill the noobs lol

    Pros mob griefing on

    1. Viilager breeding efficiency
    2. Vilager farming AI (wheat auto farms)
    3. Wither related auto farm
    4. Snow farms

    Work around:

    1. Trade with them to make them "willing" to breed
    2. Nothing we could do here
    3. same ^
    4. same ^

    This is funny but the work around is just dont build them. lol.
    For a builder like me, I'm missing a lot. And for the cons, I believe you can look on the positive side. Creeper explosion and noobs griefing is part of vanilla experience.

    And i believe the community would agree on these list of pros and cons. And i believe from this list there are more pros than cons.

    Im just trying to be more objective

    I'm sorry but you don't appear to be very appreciative of the work staff do.. many of the staff spend long long period cleaning spawn for the benefit of the community.
    Objectively there is plenty of reasons to disable mob griefing if you want to go into it, all of the reasons you list are opinions that you think they will they improve the gameplay experience, other players may and do disagree and feel that they take from the experience.
    Some feel creeper explosions are an uneccesry feature others believe that introducing large large auto farms would ruin the server economy and lead to more lag.

  20. Is it possible to use the entitydata command to set the ExplosionRadius of any creeper within 1k of spawn to 0? And also the same for the wither projectiles.
    If so you could then have mob griefing on without wasting staff time. Of course you do have an extra clock running in spawn. Not sure how much lag these things cause.

    @R4iscool1 Objectively there is plenty of reasons to disable mob griefing if you want to go into it

    Besides ruining the spawn area, and items dropped from explosions (which the item clear should take care of), what other reasons are there from the perspective of staff?

    @R4iscool1 large large auto farms would ruin the server economy and lead to more lag.

    You mean using villagers? If so the entity limit should prevent any more lag right?

  21. @NutjobBob Besides ruining the spawn area, and items dropped from explosions (which the item clear should take care of), what other reasons are there from the perspective of staff?

    Strictly from an administration perspective, ignoring the opinions of the people that prefer it disabled.
    The two issues that strike me as most important is the destruction of spawn area, which includes the area in that only admins can repair and the fact the server is balanced with mob grief off in mind.
    I do believe that /entitydata would work however it suffers from much of the same weaknesses of a mob zapper approach in that for it to be truly effective it would need to run on a loop every few seconds which means server performance could take a hit and corruption is more likely to occur.

    Entities are far from the only thing that cause lag, large auto melon farms for example can reduce the TPS of the server significantly, unlike entities however this is not quantifiable easily and It was judged that we shouldn't enforce a limit on them as the benefits out weigh the negatives.

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