CraftyMynes Youtube Series! w/FamilyTuber

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Family

    Hi guys! This is Family Tuber, my profile and username were taken for this forum (for some strange reason) so you got this guy...
    Anyways, I just recently uploaded my video last Saturday with my friend NerdieBirdie. We had a ton of fun and look forward to exploring the world of CraftyMynes! So sit down, and enjoy the start of my new series. And if you like what you see, please consider checking out my youtube channel.

    P.S. If anyone is interested I'd love to show of people's builds in my videos. If you want us to tour you don't worry, I won't raid you. We are trying to get trust as youtubers with the community. =)

    Episode 1


    Family Tuber's Channel

  2. Good luck! Fun collaborating wish ya. (:

  3. Edited 7 years ago by thegoldsmith

    Id be interested in building some contraptions (small afk farms, compact redstone devices, mob defences that sort of thing) for you guys if you want but because of the Caught Crafty id ask that im not shown in any of the videos. @Family @NerdieBirdieYT

  4. 6 years ago
    Deleted 6 years ago by TimmyBoyT
  5. @thegoldsmith Personally I think that would be great.

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