1.13 News / Discussion

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  2. 7 years ago

    @humfrydog Well I probably get in trouble for saying this but as i see it a map reset is imminent and I am ok with it.

    All the ocean areas will be broken down into multiple biome types, frozen. cold, warm , mild and multiple variations of them. Along with 48 desperate ruin types, fish only in certain water types, shipwrecks, 5 different trident types. I know all the map hasn't been explored and these area could be updated but with all the issues with rain off, renaming items, water mechanics breaking most machines, mansion mechanics plus all the update features it makes the most sense to start fresh to address as many of these as possible.

    I am sure ill get in trouble for being honest and accused of map reset hysteria but that is how I see it.

    Do i want to lose my wealth and all I have built not really.
    Do i want to have a messed up map and have to deal with machines needing redesigned? no
    If i have to choose from those 2 evils i choose map reset to fix mansions, all oceans equal and hopefully fixing phantom and rain issues.

    Well that is my 2 cents worth and as far as I am concerned this is all 1.13 update related

    There is no plans for a reset, if and when we decide to reset, we will tell you.
    We keep just as up to date on the new developments as you guys do.

  3. @Dennari43 From the wiki page, the new Phantom mob spawns after 3 days of no sleep 20-34 blocks above the player's head. But only if you are in the overworld, it's night, you are above sea level, and there is no light blocking block above your head(must be air/glass/etc). The mob spawns in packs of 1-4, and it does not respect the mob cap as they spawn.

    So if you like living in the end/nether/deep underground, you're safe. Overworld/above ground players will have to hide till day or use a bed.

    I do think the best solution, if possible, is to implement someway for the tp home function to count as sleeping. But even still, they might still become a problem for people that don't use the commands or sleep at all.

    There are a few solutions.

    1: We just completely disallow them from spawning.

    2: Your solution. Which is possible, as I believe insomnia will be a scoreboard event. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    3: My idea. Completely remove the sethome command, And make beds function as the only sethome.
    This will allow for the go home command to stay, but also allow for the phantoms to act how they are meant to.

  4. Sadly to make oceans spawn right and fix the mansion issue alone tell me a reset is best. We all saw the problem with mansions on a partial reset and the lack of totems available. F

    Factor in fish will only spawn in certain regions there is potential for existing afk fish farms to have an advantage over new ones depending on if the fish are water biome specific. I also foresee half formed shipwrecks and half formed ruins like the mansions where old map meets new.

    I know very little about coding so I claim no knowledge but I can see the Possibility of multiple issues past and present a new map would best address. again tho my opinion. i really am looking for to the new features, challenges and opportunities.

    We always talk about no unfair advantage however players farther out will have just that as there will be less unexplored lands nearby whereas new players will need to travel long distances. So basically legacy players will get there first in the beginning and with better gear will dominate the new stuff. A map reset puts all equal. it sucks but i think would be best.

  5. @humfrydog Sadly to make oceans spawn right and fix the mansion issue alone tell me a reset is best. We all saw the problem with mansions on a partial reset and the lack of totems available. F

    Factor in fish will only spawn in certain regions there is potential for existing afk fish farms to have an advantage over new ones depending on if the fish are water biome specific. I also foresee half formed shipwrecks and half formed ruins like the mansions where old map meets new.

    I know very little about coding so I claim no knowledge but I can see the Possibility of multiple issues past and present a new map would best address. again tho my opinion. i really am looking for to the new features, challenges and opportunities.

    We always talk about no unfair advantage however players farther out will have just that as there will be less unexplored lands nearby whereas new players will need to travel long distances. So basically legacy players will get there first in the beginning and with better gear will dominate the new stuff. A map reset puts all equal. it sucks but i think would be best.

    Reminder this is opinion and doesn't reflect anyone's attitude over a reset but mine.

    If we did stay on this map for even longer, and into 1.13, the map would inevitably have a lot problems. I would expect biome problems, new players would just die after a few hours due to phantoms since beds currently mess up sethome so it would have to be changed, I would expect a lot of the command blocks would be messed up due to commands being changed, people's redstone contraptions and builds would be messed up due to new water mechanics, and of course a lot people would just not be happy (either way to be fair).

    In my opinion a reset would be the best decision.

  6. @OtherGreenGamer

    Reminder this is opinion and doesn't reflect anyone's attitude over a reset but mine.

    If we did stay on this map for even longer, and into 1.13, the map would inevitably have a lot problems. I would expect biome problems, new players would just die after a few hours due to phantoms since beds currently mess up sethome so it would have to be changed, I would expect a lot of the command blocks would be messed up due to commands being changed, people's redstone contraptions and builds would be messed up due to new water mechanics, and of course a lot people would just not be happy (either way to be fair).

    In my opinion a reset would be the best decision.

    Agreed. And again, this is our individual opinions and does not reflect what may or may not actually happen with the map come update time.

  7. Hey, anyone like maps?

    Try THIS on for size.


  9. Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00

    Agreed, I've thrown my opinion out several times but I still say doing a map reset is the best option in my opinion, still with the amount of unfinished changes that are still being implemented ( though totally my thoughts ) sure, doing a reset will have it's negatives and pluses, but the same goes for not choosing to do one aswell. Like @OtherGreenGamer said, there's going to be people pissy with whatever decision is made; reset or not. Currently, it seems like the big issue with resetting from what I remember is that people will loose long-hard built builds that aren't protected. Loosing extremely-well built builds sucks and it's super de-unmotivating, but...

    The new water mechanics can easily destroy specific builds + it's super easy to flood large areas now. Biome problems are obvious as the new generation features will be exclusively in unexplored chunks and touched/barely touched areas of map, while not a bad thing and encourages players to explore, it'd constrict them and not make it map-wide.

    The other big issue I see with resetting is retaining players. Some players are attracted to the idea of one and some aren't, some will leave due to a lack of reset, some leave due to a reset for a variety of reasons, so , from how I see it resetting or not will still bear this issue.

    On the topic of phantoms, unless they don't drop anything worth of value or useful I'm completely fine with them being disabled for the sake of making things simple. Right now, they only drop 1 leather and there's plenty of other efficient ways to gain leather obviously. However, keeping the same map saves of transferring over command blocks and spawn, and less drastic changes has to be made to adapt to 1.13 ( though note, while i personally say it's unlikely, if this would be the case if phantoms only would drop leather )

    Though, one of my big personal reasons is if keeping to same map, the economy and distribution of specific items among groups of players will get more and more confined. It's been more than a year, and that this point, most of the server wealth and non-mod power is within well-known factions and various vip/vip+ members. Also accounting for the fact that the remaining totems is essentially a monopoly at this point as the market is controlled ( for the most part ) a few individuals. While resetting wouldn't solve the problem as totems would go rare again within a few months time, doing a server reset would place absolutely everyone back on the same playing field and level of power and fully balance out the economy again, not to mention new players having a chance to acquire rare items; such as example, totems. In a nutshell, doing a reset would make everything fair game, however, with a reset, the there would definitionally be an inflation of prices because of things like diamonds, shulkers, and elytras, wouldn't be in immense stock for the first few weeks within the reset period.

    Though I'm not any form of staff, personally I'd feel like to do some sort of community poll ( not a acutal poll as bots could easily be used to rig results ) but a question sort of things to ask the players of the community to see what they would think about a server reset, if people say they don't like it one doesn't happen, but if there's more commenting in favour of one, one happens. Though I'm personally in favor of a reset being the best decision, I feel like getting input from the community should at least be a contributing factor.

    though I'm not a mod, so I guess we'll have to see what happens

  10. Edited 7 years ago by Fingerbib

    fingerbib like map reset

  11. Edited 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT

    @GrandpaCarl00 Agreed, I've thrown my opinion out several times but I still say doing a map reset is the best option in my opinion, still with the amount of unfinished changes that are still being implemented ( though totally my thoughts ) sure, doing a reset will have it's negatives and pluses, but the same goes for not choosing to do one aswell. Like @OtherGreenGamer said, there's going to be people pissy with whatever decision is made; reset or not. Currently, it seems like the big issue with resetting from what I remember is that people will loose long-hard built builds that aren't protected. Loosing extremely-well built builds sucks and it's super de-unmotivating, but...

    The new water mechanics can easily destroy specific builds + it's super easy to flood large areas now. Biome problems are obvious as the new generation features will be exclusively in unexplored chunks and touched/barely touched areas of map, while not a bad thing and encourages players to explore, it'd constrict them and not make it map-wide.

    The other big issue I see with resetting is retaining players. Some players are attracted to the idea of one and some aren't, some will leave due to a lack of reset, some leave due to a reset for a variety of reasons, so , from how I see it resetting or not will still bear this issue.

    On the topic of phantoms, unless they don't drop anything worth of value or useful I'm completely fine with them being disabled for the sake of making things simple. Right now, they only drop 1 leather and there's plenty of other efficient ways to gain leather obviously. However, keeping the same map saves of transferring over command blocks and spawn, and less drastic changes has to be made to adapt to 1.13 ( though note, while i personally say it's unlikely, if this would be the case if phantoms only would drop leather )

    Though, one of my big personal reasons is if keeping to same map, the economy and distribution of specific items among groups of players will get more and more confined. It's been more than a year, and that this point, most of the server wealth and non-mod power is within well-known factions and various vip/vip+ members. Also accounting for the fact that the remaining totems is essentially a monopoly at this point as the market is controlled ( for the most part ) a few individuals. While resetting wouldn't solve the problem as totems would go rare again within a few months time, doing a server reset would place absolutely everyone back on the same playing field and level of power and fully balance out the economy again, not to mention new players having a chance to acquire rare items; such as example, totems. In a nutshell, doing a reset would make everything fair game, however, with a reset, the there would definitionally be an inflation of prices because of things like diamonds, shulkers, and elytras, wouldn't be in immense stock for the first few weeks within the reset period.

    Though I'm not any form of staff, personally I'd feel like to do some sort of community poll ( not a acutal poll as bots could easily be used to rig results ) but a question sort of things to ask the players of the community to see what they would think about a server reset, if people say they don't like it one doesn't happen, but if there's more commenting in favour of one, one happens. Though I'm personally in favor of a reset being the best decision, I feel like getting input from the community should at least be a contributing factor.

    though I'm not a mod, so I guess we'll have to see what happens

    @Fingerbib fingerbib like map reaet

    The comparison between these two XD

  12. I have many mega builds and immense wealth on this server in game. And I vote for reset.

    I hate the idea of losing my builds, shop and wealth. However the thought of fixing mansions, maybe getting rain and snow back, not having a bunch of broken water biomes, giving new and old players a even playing field I trulybelieve it is the best option for the server as a whole.

  13. Everyone has their opinion about a reset but really our opinions are meangingless and it's totally up to the admins (who, as far as I've heard, will not reset unless it's necessary). I wouldn't be too sure about a reset for 1.13, even if a lot of us would like it.

  14. I don't want a reset to be honest but in my opinion, if its going to cause more problems in the future then it's best to reset now than to suffer and reset later.

  15. partial reset?

  16. No reset c:

  17. @GrinningBobcat partial reset won't solve much of anything. the last time that happened it simply only caused more problems relating to player inventory issues and generation.

  18. Jesus fucking Christ do me a favor and don't do a map reset. I'm getting tired of that shit.
    New players will suffer in the beginning and that's exactly what makes this game a survival game.

    I really am not looking forward a reset at all. I came back just a week ago.

    I know they won't do a reset anytime soon, because they know what is the best, but if that happens I'm gone for good. Can't rebuild same shit all over again. I'm in planning of a new base but it won't be anything special. I just don't wanna go through same shit again because I don't have as much time as I used to.

  19. @iDogeTwinkie Jesus fucking Christ do me a favor and don't do a map reset. I'm getting tired of that shit.
    New players will suffer in the beginning and that's exactly what makes this game a survival game.

    I really am not looking forward a reset at all. I came back just a week ago.

    I know they won't do a reset anytime soon, because they know what is the best, but if that happens I'm gone for good. Can't rebuild same shit all over again. I'm in planning of a new base but it won't be anything special. I just don't wanna go through same shit again because I don't have as much time as I used to.


    Friendly reminder map's been up since November 2016. One year and 4 months, nearly a year and a half. Longer than any other map we've ever had. By late July 2018, we will have had this map 2 times the length of the 1.9 map, which is only 4 months away. It's getting to be super boring for a lot of players (who have exhausted everything they've set out to do), some have even quit until it does reset.

    TL:DR, Map's been up for too long in a lot of peoples minds, and they're bored. I think we need a reset

  20. Jesus Christ you made my eyes bleed with those caps. I know that already lol no need to capitalize the motherfucker to the point where a person needs to go for an eye surgery after reading that. xD

  21. @OtherGreenGamer

    Essentially, without how old the map is, for a large portion of players who've been on the server for a while, the current map is showing it's age to the players. There's definitionally not as much entertainment value like there once was, simply because once you've done something, you've done it all; sucks to keep on doing the same things over and over unless you get a good refresh with new things.

    Stuff like that can drive players away

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