Server friendly auto farm?

  1. 6 years ago

    so when one of my auto farms was being greifed the greifer talked that the auto farm was a bad design for the server. but when i asked they did not give me suggestions on how to make it more server friendly :(

    I am wondering does someone know the best auto farm for the server?

    I got a beafy computer so i do not care if the auto farm causes fps to drop. i just want to make sure that the auto farm is not hurting the server in any meaningful way.

  2. i think that farm was renovated and its design is server friendly now

  3. but that does not help me going forward :) what design should i build in the future?

  4. Edited 6 years ago by darktyui

    Yeah the reason is because of all the repeaters and redstone. Basically these things cause lag so some redstoners don’t even use redstone dust and just use powered rails because they cause less lag. I would also say your farms are highly inefficient and that should always be your main concern. I personally would for a melon/pumpkin farm would build ilmangos tower design where the hopper minecart activates the pistons or build on of ilmangos slime block sweeper designs they also work quite well.

  5. Oh my, it appreas i will need ot find a way to get a lot of slime balls to get sticky pistons.

    I did not think about the red stone causing lighting updates. That will be something i will have to think about mitigating!

  6. @darktyui Yeah the reason is because of all the repeaters and redstone. Basically these things cause lag so some redstoners don’t even use redstone dust and just use powered rails because they cause less lag. I would also say your farms are highly inefficient and that should always be your main concern. I personally would for a melon/pumpkin farm would build ilmangos tower design where the hopper minecart activates the pistons or build on of ilmangos slime block sweeper designs they also work quite well.

    Agreed with the design suggestion. I had two of them at a base and they worked like a charm. Just be a aware that sometimes the mine carts can be buggy and stop or become invisible, blocking any replacement mine carts

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