Toxic Play Clarification

  1. 2 months ago

    Hello staff and players of CraftyMynes. Looking on the forums I saw a wave of bans for players recently for what was described as "toxic play" and I would just like some clarification of what constitutes this so that I can avoid breaking these rules in the future. I know that I have not been on the server, but I have the urge to play again and, when my schedule allows it, I plan on returning. Given my history and how I like to interact with other players, I'm concerned about what exactly I will get in trouble for. Are there new rules that I might be unaware of? Are the existing rules being applied differently? What is it that I can do to avoid breaking these rules? Under previous server management, it seemed I was in the clear, but with new staff rulings I am unsure if my previous antics would still fly.

    Thanks in advance for your help :)

  2. SharpSerac, thank you for this post. This is an EXCELLENT question.
    The admin team is currently crafting up a rule to explain exactly what this is.

    We are aware we have a small gap in the rules on this and will be updating it shortly.
    Please keep in mind we all live in different time zones and very much like the ents in LOTR, it takes a long time to have a full conversation about things.

    You can expect an update to the rules within a few days.
    Thanks again for this post!

  3. Deleted 2 months ago by GibsonAxe
  4. Any update on this?

  5. We are in the process of updating the rules to reflect this clarification. Please remember that we do this voluntarily when we have time away from our jobs and lives, Crafty included, and that means things can take time.

  6. Deleted 2 months ago by Tez1010
  7. Deleted 2 months ago by Tez1010
  8. 6 weeks ago

    You can expect an update to the rules within a few days.

    little late, but happy 2 month anniversary of this! any update?

  9. @outshOtz little late, but happy 2 month anniversary of this! any update?

    Its Christmas, the most holiest day of the year. And this is what you’re thinking about?!?!?! SHAME!!

  10. Thank you for your patience. This is a very busy time of year for a lot of us. Crafty has posted the updated rules regarding toxic behavior. You can read them under the Rules page. They read as followed:

    The Gnome Clause
    If, at the discretion of the Admin team, you are deemed an excessively toxic*, negative, or damaging presence on CM platforms or to the CM community, as a last resort, staff reserve the right to ban, permanently or temporarily, your account(s) and/or IP ban you from the server/discord/forums. The enactment, full extent, and severity of this ban will be determined on a case-by-case basis by Crafty and the Admin team. *Excessively toxic is defined here as a perpetual engagement of harrassment, bullying, or unconsensual actions against another person or entity after being asked to stop by either the player or a staff member. (PVP, raiding, and griefing do not apply as these are agreed upon terms when joining the server. However, inappropriate actions taken while participating in these activities can still be deemed toxic behavior.)

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