1. 8 years ago

    In the interests of sharing and helping develop our minecraft skills I am sharing the link to the youtube video I learned my door tech from. Enjoy

  2. Nice thanks for sharing!

  3. I learned from that video as well the design I use is a bit more complex

  4. 1.10 may be bringing a BUD block to gonna be interesting to work with

  5. The Dev who tweeted the observer out said they were working with well-known redstone to make sure it would be a smooth transition. Who those "well-knowns" are they didn't say or I didn't see

  6. I'd love if they would undo what they did to stair blocks. I cant hide switches and levers behind them anymore.

  7. criaotic

    20 May 2016 Suspended

    now i know to destroy everything when i find your base lol.

  8. @ORCA_Gnome now i know to destroy everything when i find your base lol.

    I thought I would give you flatfoots a chance.

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