1. 8 years ago

    I'm liking how everyone who's vip or vip+ are now coloured on the forum. The extra colour looks good. Sad because mine's green and not teal anymore, but I'll be fixing that soon enough.

  2. :D new donor perk, was a pain in the ass to do though. might adjust the colors a bit as well as get some better automation going, right now i have a script that pulls the donors and gives them the correct rank, i would like to have my current donors application write to the forums db.

  3. but its NEON Green

  4. yeah but I liked NEON teal better xD

  5. hey crafty just a question about VIP. If i change my name back to _Gnome_Child_ will I get my VIP back?

  6. Yes.

  7. and if i take _Gnome_Child_ will i get vip?

  8. no. Its based on my account not my name.

  9. no im pretty sure its based on the name :D

  10. its not i have asked the admins.

  11. As if anyone would want the name anyway.
    You would just get all the gnome hate.

  12. "hate"

  13. I honestly like the green.

  14. Orange is better ;)

  15. Green is love..... Green.... Is life... (Jk, red is better)

  16. The green hurts my eyes..

  17. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    ooo spooki name :D

  18. Edited 8 years ago by T0rsion

    I appreciate the effort Crafty, this is a great improvement to the forums Imao :)

    Question: If you are temporarily banned and join afterwards, do you lose your VIP?

  19. You wouldnt lose it ^~^

    @Beedobi Orange is better ;)

    Its gold, god dammit xD

  20. @Dannysharks not with that attitude

  21. Newer ›

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