Avalon (Working title)

  1. 8 years ago


  2. I like it, But doesn't the nether portal make it somewhat insecure?

  3. Not really, albeit more than a base without it

  4. @TheDunmerRaven I like it, But doesn't the nether portal make it somewhat insecure?

    Yes nether portals pose a rather large risk.
    Essentially you are doubling your footprint on the world.

  5. Oh no...double my foot print? What should I do about it?

    ...I know! Open another Nether portal :D

  6. Edited 8 years ago by MagnaOpera

    Nice place long may it remain ungreifed.

    But yeh.... destroy your nether portals both sides. {Nether side and Overworld side, not both sides of the platform ;}

  7. Deleted 8 years ago by GibsonAxe
  8. @GibsonAxe Once a nether portal is created the link between the worlds is created so if someone was to make a portal within the range of yours in the nether it will link to the 1 u made, even if its inactive therefore the high risk.

    This is the second thread that I read stating that nether portals are permanently linked to a portal, active or not. Can you explain this? Is it to portals or the locations of portals (if you moved/removed it)?

    The wiki says after 60 seconds the cached destination disappears if it goes inactive, but I don't know what that means in context to what you're saying.

  9. I would assume that the game searches for a portal first before it creates a new one. If there is an old one (lit or unlit) within _x _y _z then it would use that one rather than make a new one.

  10. so if you completely destroy the portal the link between worlds no longer exists correct?

  11. If you destroy the portals in both worlds the link should no longer exist.
    If you deactivate your overworld 1 but not the nether 1 the coords from it will still link to the coords of your overworld 1 and will simply create a new 1 right by or at the same location of your old 1.
    So yes you can destroy the link between the worlds aslong as you destroy both sides.
    sorry for the mix up it had been a while and had to revise their behavior

  12. okay excellent, thats what ive been doing. I only have portals up when i actually venture into the nether, i completely take down both portals once im done every time.

  13. I am getting rather close to finishing phase 2 of my engineering project, dubbed "Project Avalon"...that I totally didn't just made up.

    When I finish this phase, I will try (emphasis on try) to persuade some admins to have a look at it.

  14. Give me a tour I will shoot it in high quality. Check out some of my screenshots :D

    Obviously with my personal no coordinates revealed guarantee.

  15. Meh...why not. As soon as the train tracks are done and we're both on, I'll let you teleport to my base.

  16. Wow thats nice

  17. Looking forward to promised visit. Your base looks really great.

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