Soviet's Thoughts: Basic Training

  1. 8 years ago

    Next Wednesday I head off to San Antonio Texas for Basic Training. It was unexpected, I thought I would have more time, but looks like I'm heading out again. Either way thanks for the fun CraftyMyners!

  2. Oh, short lived revival I guess. Good luck on this training and maybe visit us every now and then :)

  3. Good luck!

  4. Enjoy yourself! It will be some of the most memorable times of your life. I joined the Army a decade and a half ago and I still have awesome memories of the times I had with all my brothers!

  5. Good luck

  6. Bring me back some sand!

  7. Don't die..

  8. My sister went through basic and advanced training about two years ago! Both her and I wish you luck :>
    What are you going in as? (She's a medic)

  9. The irony of soviet superman going to basic training for the American Army.

  10. @R4iscool1 The irony of soviet superman going to basic training for the American Army.

    There were actually quite a few Soviet born (i.e. before the fall) men who were in the army with me. Seems like a semi common thing.

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