Mr. Nice Doge & Mr. Psychopathic Doge

  1. 8 years ago

    Ya see, Doge has two sides.

    Mr. Nice Doge & Mr. Psychopathic Doge.

    Mr. Nice Doge is a Doge that basically is a Nice Doge who will be there for you anytime and shit like that.
    Mr. Nice Doge says he's nice but when he's pissed off then Mr. Psychopathic Doge appears.

    At this point I usually go on CM and basically start blowing up every single thing I see with TNT.
    Which is usually grass blocks and trees because they take up a lot of space anyway. =D
    I mean, TNT is there for a reason right? :D I totally listen to Rammstein while being on that side.

    For real though...nice people usually have the psychopathic side as their second side.
    The people that use you and manipulate you, eventually piss you off shouldn't do that.

    All nice people know this because that's 100% truth now ain't it? :P

    They don't want to see our psychopathic side at all. :D

    Yeah I just made the most useless thread on CM, congratulations on reading it.
    You deserve a cookie! :D Okay make that two for your effort. :D

  2. i'm either neutral or enraged, usually

    mostly neutral
    enraged has been suppressed with great efforts

  3. I am only Mr. Nice if one is Mr. Nice, otherwise one doesn't exist, and if one insists on its existence, I stop playing hahahaha

    Now where's my cookie twinkie? :D

  4. @iDogeTwinkie Yeah I just made the most useless thread on CM, congratulations on reading it.
    You deserve a cookie! :D Okay make that two for your effort. :D

    cookies for everyone!

  5. Lol the title; i like it

  6. I believe the phrase is "The devil trembles when a good man goes to war" :P

  7. @BaronBattleBread I believe the phrase is "The devil trembles when a good man goes to war" :P

    Doge approves kind sir :D

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    Still not the strangest post I've seen on here
    this is an accurate visual description of me viewing it though

  9. Edited 8 years ago by Aquafyna

    A man once forced the world to beg while kneeling with their heads held down.
    He brought great destruction to the world and its destruction barely alleviated the anger.
    Legend has it that he was taking a shit and while wiping, he got it on his hands.

  10. Legend has it that I was eating food
    Now all hunger is lost after reading that

  11. Ayy lmaoo :D

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