1. 8 years ago

    i am leaving for a bit because bultsman tp killed me and stole everything i had so bye

  2. That's why you should play a little smarter.
    Don't accept any TP requests unless it's from someone you completely trust.

  3. You say bye a lot

  4. @mtbsharkman i am leaving for a bit because bultsman tp killed me and stole everything i had so bye

    You got griefed on a griefing server...

  5. Lol rip. Bye.

  6. bye felicia

  7. I think the kid is just butthurt.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by SharpSerac

    he is, no reason to post this on the forums. pretty sure he's just looking for attention also

  9. @Beedobi You say bye a lot

    Kinda have to agree lol. But people to be fair the title is "break" so he hasnt given up everything.
    Either way sorry to see you go!

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