1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    So that those armies...

  3. could go get tacos..

  4. To celebrate along with...

  5. the medic + scout who

  6. Deleted 8 years ago by _Ami_13_
  7. Brought the obese rat...

  8. to Sesame Street so...

  9. Cookie Monster could have...

  10. low fat cookies because..

  11. Deleted 8 years ago by T0rsion
  12. ... because he is getting ...

  13. Big fat purple dinosaurs..

  14. On the bottom of...

  15. The city in the sky...

  16. That Cookie Monster's big...

  17. head was stuck in..

  18. Edited 8 years ago by T0rsion

    This giant green city...

  19. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    was a magical hole

  20. a gigantic horse saddle

  21. @Chips_The_Gamer was a magical black hole that had..

    (thats more than 4 -_-)

  22. Newer ›

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