In reminder of Stranger's Rest

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @CodyJProductions Can i just say...

    Can everyone relax and remember that we play this game for fun? Someone leaked your coords... be frustrated for two seconds, mourn for three more, have a good laugh then start again. This is Minecraft, nothing more, nothing less.

    It's stuff like this

    that bothers me. Relax, the guy's in front of a computer screen playing a game, just like the rest of us. Show empathy for one another, and don't lose all respect and care for another player for something they did in-game. Relax and play Minecraft.

    Amen, we just had to lock the other thread because of yall. Everyone needs to take a step back and chill out

  3. -image-

  4. Didn't the last post you made with that get deleted

  5. Deleted 7 years ago by Slattern
  6. Better question is, does it matter? :P

  7. @Cellexya Better question is, does it matter? :P

    Even better question, why is a staff member contributing to the "salt"

  8. I'm not, it's a harmless funny gif, and my last post wasn't deleted.
    It is still here

  9. @Cellexya I'm not, it's a harmless funny gif, and my last post wasn't deleted.
    It is still here

    Oh that's right, a normal player posted it and it got deleted

  10. @FlashFood I don't think anyone posted that gif and got it deleted. If anyone is contributing to the salt it's you. Calm down there.

  11. @Cellexya @FlashFood I don't think anyone posted that gif and got it deleted. If anyone is contributing to the salt it's you. Calm down there.

  12. As I said, I didn't think any post did, but I stand corrected. Mine was just for giggles though, I wasn't antagonizing anyone.

  13. Seriously, wtf people?
    Just stop

  14. Thread locked.

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