Jordi's nether goodies

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by MisterReco

    I have been recolecting a lot of quartz the last few days (for xp) and I don't have anything to do with it,so I want to sell it.


    • Quartz Blocks -- 2D/17 E per stack
    • If ask for 54 stacks the price would be of 53 diamonds instead of 54
    • Glowstone -- 2 D/17 E per stack
    • Nether Brick -- 1D/9 E per 3 stacks
    • Nether Wart -- 1D/9 E per 3 stacks
    • Magma Blocks -- 1D/9 E per 7 stacks
  2. btw this is a repost

  3. If you want to buy something that is not in stock I will spend my free time on getting it

  4. Could I buy all the quartz you have?

  5. @Drogon Could I buy all the quartz you have?

    yes, but it would be 120 diamonds

  6. any other resquests?

  7. I am back from my holiday and able to go on again

  8. I don't have a request but I'm glad to see you are collecting the quartz to sell. I see alot of players who just mine it for the xp and just leave the quartz to despawn..... Such a waste....

  9. @FishW I don't have a request but I'm glad to see you are collecting the quartz to sell. I see alot of players who just mine it for the xp and just leave the quartz to despawn..... Such a waste....

    Well, at first I did for xp, but I collected it too, and thought on selling it

  10. Edited 8 years ago by MisterReco

    I have been recolecting a lot of quartz the last few days (for xp) and I don't have anything to do with it,so I want to sell it.
    I will be selling in large quantities,I already have 3 double chest of quartz, so you can put your request here and I'll do the deal whenever I see you online
    2 diamonds per stack of block New!!
    If ask for 56 the price would be of 46 diamond instead of 56
    We are adding nether brick and glowstone (blocks) to the list
    Since collecting glowstone might be hard and risky, the price will be of 2 diamonds per stack
    Nether brick is cheaper, so it will be 1 diamond for 3 stacks
    I will be selling Magma Blocks soon![/quote]

  11. Prices might change over the course of the week

  12. sell wither skulls and untouched nether fortress coords

  13. @TheForgotten20 sell wither skulls and untouched nether fortress coords

    I will when I have time to farm wither skulls, I could sell the fortress coords, if they weren't all near my house

  14. Hey Jordi, how many stacks of Quartz Block you have now?

  15. @Laineyyz Hey Jordi, how many stacks of Quartz Block you have now?

    about 40

  16. I am out of stock due to a buyer buying all my stock, we will recover over the course of the week or the next one

  17. The price has changed due to high demand

  18. I need a 3 stacks of glowstone

  19. I want 3 dubs of nether brick

  20. Buying 3 stacks of quartz

  21. Newer ›

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