We are coming

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by MixMasherPvP

    This is a warning to Team Eye

    Everyone in your so called "clan" who associates themselves with iwarrori or Ukufu is going to eventually die. We are going to get you one by one and bring you down. Your bases will be teared down. Your loot will be taken. Get ready. #2Chill we are coming for you.

  2. Begun the Yellow wars have...

  3. I bet they are scared

  4. Weren't you the one that gave the cords of happy valley to them?

  5. [deleted]

    6 Sep 2016
    Deleted 7 years ago by CraftyMyner
  6. Threatening.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by MisterReco

    @dragon wow this is lame is this even a threat i feel like they are just laughing at this XD good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor ~oml lemme stop XD

    Yeah, he won't be able to take Team Eye down, they are too strong
    To take them down you would need an alliance of the strongest factions

  8. [deleted]

    6 Sep 2016
    Deleted 7 years ago by CraftyMyner
  9. idk bout u but this guy seems like he wants the attention

  10. One does not simply take down a faction...

    Especially when they could just make new bases and respawn when killed.

    To take down a faction is to destroy them, which on this server is virtually impossible.

  11. i really want team eye to go but who would get raided if they went? pretty much no one. and that wouldn't be fun.

  12. Edited 7 years ago by Yellow_One

    The light of Yellow shall guide you on your path to righteousness

  13. 2Chill is the heart and soul of team eye. As long as he is around, team eye will persist through the ages

  14. The Yellow Army shall conquer all those who oppose the Yellow!

  15. Wanted List :
    MixMasherPvP's Head = 20 Eb's
    _MasterDragon_ = 15 Eb's
    WilhealmTheGreat = 10 Eb's

    Base Coords : 30 Stacks Eb's

    Normal Kill On Either Of Those Players : 5 Eb's

  16. GL

  17. Do I have to come back to the server to put this wee kid back in his playpen? These kind of threats I would expect to see from some 11 year old who's butthurt that he's losing, but can't actually do anything.

    You're going to be holding this pretty soon, bud.

  18. That L is so big, this wee little child will just be crushed by it!

  19. lol

  20. I'm very much afraid of this threat your're making, i think i'll quit the server

  21. Newer ›

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