Confirmed SC Buyers

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by ardoasms

    Due to a lot of confusion about whom is in SC that you can do business with so we have decided to post a list of confirmed members. This is not a full list, just those who have agreed to be listed.


    @HaloNest is also an option but he may not be able to fulfill all payments.

    this list will be updated as needed

  2. harsh you forgot me and do you think this is neccesary

  3. oh yea i asked tweak but he didn't respond -_-

  4. how much do y'all need? and is it stone or cobble? I've got a tooooon of both

  5. I saw iwarriiori stepping up to handle some of your stone overflow earlier today. I probably should have said something then but he was buying stone for emeralds (as an SC agent) and I found it benign, yet amusing.

  6. Looks like you forget to put me on the list @ardoasms

  7. @ghostassasin81 harsh you forgot me and do you think this is neccesary

    As you can see ghost, this is necessary :P

  8. @Laineyyz As you can see ghost, this is necessary :P

    apperently so

  9. guys? >.> I've got 6 dubs or more of cobble/stone, lemme know ^^

  10. @Naidae guys? >.> I've got 6 dubs or more of cobble/stone, lemme know ^^

    Lol sorry Naidae xD I think we're good for now, if we ever need more we'll let you know. Thanks so much! <3

  11. @misterkickman oh yea i asked tweak but he didn't respond -_-

    Yes i did. I yas leaving but i answered u. When u asked if iiwarrior was a part o sc i Said no. Anyway, when im building i don't look at chat much, i may miss some stuff.. sry about that!

  12. @Laineyyz Lol sorry Naidae xD I think we're good for now, if we ever need more we'll let you know. Thanks so much! <3

    No problemo!! :D

  13. lol my project is sucking up stone too, should i do a stone roof or a wooden roof on my stone and glass sides? (open to suggestions)..

  14. We mainly use wood roofs but its up to your building style, cobble looks great too

  15. wood logs or wood normal? if im not using cobble/stone bricks then ill have lots of stone for sc!
    also oak or acacia(my 2 favourite woods)

  16. wood and cobble stairs but depends on the building

  17. @iwarriiori Looks like you forget to put me on the list @ardoasms

    warrior, you arent even a mamber so why would you be a buyer

  18. @ardoasms warrior, you arent even a mamber so why would you be a buyer

    I think its called wishful thinking Ardo!

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