Goodbye. D: ):

  1. 8 years ago

    Im sorry but, im going to be taking a break from CraftyMynes and Minecraft. With school, comes new projects. With new projects comes me having absolutely no free time at all. Im just posting this to say im probably not gonna be on in the next few months, and if i am, not more than a week at a time. I have left some notes here for some people i want to say goodbye to.

    SaltyFlubberFish: I shall always free the fishes :D

    Laggy_GIF: If youre reading this, i wanna say, God why do you care about MY posts.

    Dannysharks: Be a CraftyMynes player, and be a Shark! :D

    Tezzer: Please dont annoy me with having like 3 million CraftyCoins when i get back. :P

    All in all, goodbye to all.

    Sincerely, Cutebot.

    P.S. Like what i did with the word all up there :D

  2. K.

  3. NOOOO!! ToT

  4. Edited 8 years ago by OpticImpulse

    You can't leave! You just can't! (also you left your dogs at my house)
    Optic is gonna be so sad when she hears the news ):

  5. Edited 8 years ago by SymphonicYT

    @OpticImpulse You can't leave! You just can't! (also you left your dogs at my house)

    ill come get them rn.

    or when i return in a million years. :P

  6. You are Optic Optic

  7. @Captain_Mitchell You are Optic Optic


  8. Lol :)

  9. Well.. I guess bye Cutebot... *cries* ToT

  10. I want my shit back @Cutebot

  11. Edited 8 years ago by SymphonicYT

    @ghostassasin81 I want my shit back @Cutebot

    What shit? @ghostassasin81

    If its that time i killed u, i gotta say something. Ever want @ghostassasin81 to beg for you? Kill him and keep his shit :P.

  12. Can you still go on the server whenever you have free time?

  13. @OpticImpulse Can you still go on the server whenever you have free time?


  14. @Cutebot What shit? @ghostassasin81

    If its that time i killed u, i gotta say something. Ever want @ghostassasin81 to beg for you? Kill him and keep his shit :P.

    No you asked someone to kill me

  15. @ghostassasin81 No you asked someone to kill me

    Thats what i meant :P

  16. Edited 8 years ago by SymphonicYT

    Hello all viewers of this post :P

  17. Hope to see you back soon!

  18. Bye.

  19. @iclutchHD Hope to see you back soon!

    I will be :D, also ill be active on the fourms more than i am on the server

  20. [deleted]

    26 Sep 2016
    Deleted 5 years ago by CraftyMyner
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