1.9 Bugs and missing features.

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Pimple_300ping

    You might live in a biome where it doesn't rain, because I've certainly experienced it ;)

  3. I mentioned it to Danny, but I don't know if it got to you. The guide book doesn't have vote 3 yet.

  4. To update the book, I need to somehow give everyone a new one, rather then giving a new book once a week, I'm going to update the tpa, links and a few other things all at the same time.

    - Crafty

  5. 8 years ago

    Oh boy! This is my list. Not anything really of dire importance but I now that things are slowing down I figured I would post it up for discussion.

    Not working

    List format!

    @CraftyMyner I have a list so far.

    Vote Slots
    Directional TP ?

    And a few more that I can't remember.

    Pressure plate to reset your random tp cooldown for 10 levels downstairs.

    Signs at spawn asking/reminding people not to throw eggs.

    Sign at spawn point/title command/static armor stand popup that tells people what is still being worked on to minimize questions

    Sign warning people that their chorus fruit and enderpearls will be taken away if they enter the enchantment room if it is intended.

    Pig spawner at spawn instead of the cow spawner, free food for new players and isn't cows so people can farm leather.

    A plate that allows you to tp up into the balloons at spawn for the scenic view. - Suggested by JDAKandEEK

    Being able to tp horses named with a nametag (I'm guessing having a predetermined name would make this easier) to tp with you using the book when tping home, to spawn, or to others.

    Hold items that when in your off hand give you a buff like speed or regen. Buyable only from spawn? Gainable from parkour? Vote slots?

    Vote slot rewards - Dragon Eggs and Elytra? Make them very rare? There was discussion to have them worth a month or more votes minimum (90 votes). Dragon eggs two or more months?

    Villagers that trade battered armor for ingots and gold nuggets.

    Rip Off Rodney having a very unfair Notch Apple trade after a period long enough that they are all found in the natural loot chests.

    Command to test for anvils being gone in the enchantment room after a very long period of time or when someone enters. - suggested by Neodymeowm

  6. Command to test for anvils being gone in the enchantment room after a very long period of time or when someone enters. - suggested by Neodymeowm

    This was done awhile ago...

  7. I see a ton of bugs every time I play! Usually happens at night time, bugs swarm me and start attacking. The haven't killed me yet but I've had some close calls :l

  8. Adding Notch apples to traders at any point would be a bad idea,
    Currently there is a pig spawner and cow spawner east of the trade post,the spawn rate for the cow 1 is also low.

  9. @FlashFood Oh boy! This is my list. Not anything really of dire importance but I now that things are slowing down I figured I would post it up for discussion.

    Pig spawner at spawn instead of the cow spawner, free food for new players and isn't cows so people can farm leather.

    This is a good idea; rescources being as easy as they are to get, this could be a good start to filtering the economy a little, as leather is necessary for books and bookcases etc.


    Vote slot rewards - Dragon Eggs and Elytra? Make them very rare? There was discussion to have them worth a month or more votes minimum (90 votes). Dragon eggs two or more months?

    Villagers that trade battered armor for ingots and gold nuggets.

    Rip Off Rodney having a very unfair Notch Apple trade after a period long enough that they are all found in the natural loot chests.

    I don't know about these. Elytras are not such a bad idea since they have a functionality, but the Dragon Eggs are pure collector's items, and giving them out will trivialise the effort put into getting what was supposed to be the only one. What is the purpose of having more anyway, besides bragging to your friends? It's a bad idea.
    Villagers trading battered armour back could be a good idea if the numbers are done right, the returns however should be very low.
    A Notch Apple trade is just a full-on terrible idea. Food saturation regen is already enough to stop any person in p3+ from dying in any pvp situation.

  10. There is a pig spawner near spawn already. it should be just off the path on one sidse or another.. and we use cows because leather isnt overly useful and steak gives the highest saturation of the single cooked items. means you can run farther away

    We wont be making a notchapple, eletrya or dragon egg trade probably ever, or maybe having one for a special occasion in the distant future.. the items are too rare and the pride of having them from exploration and neardeath experiances would easily be diminished if you could buy them.

    Armor trading villagers... a recycler, if you will, weve talked about them before, but its nearly impossible ot make a return that people are happy with.

  11. Pressure plate to reset your random tp cooldown for 10 levels downstairs.

    There is no tp cooldown for VIP

  12. @FlashFood
    Being able to tp horses named with a nametag (I'm guessing having a predetermined name would make this easier) to tp with you using the book when tping home, to spawn, or to others.

    Hold items that when in your off hand give you a buff like speed or regen. Buyable only from spawn? Gainable from parkour? Vote slots?

    Vote slot rewards - Dragon Eggs and Elytra? Make them very rare? There was discussion to have them worth a month or more votes minimum (90 votes). Dragon eggs two or more months?

    Villagers that trade battered armor for ingots and gold nuggets.

    Rip Off Rodney having a very unfair Notch Apple trade after a period long enough that they are all found in the natural loot chests.

    Minecraft is a game of collecting resources, i dont think we should be encouraging people to be lazy with teleporting horses.

    People come here to play a reasonably minimal vanilla experience, not to have people running arround and killing people with items that bestow effects.

    Dragon egg is a once off for a good reason.
    As for elytra there may be some discussion about that but we need to factor in players who already have them losing out.

    Armour recycling is hardly survival.
    Its just making the game unessecarily easy.

    The chances of every single notch apple being taken are miniscule.
    We have a 400k squared map its not our job to unbalance the economy and encourage laziness.

  13. I should have looked at a lot of these before I posted them haha, this has been a working list since the server first opened and my opinion has changed about them a lot now. I had no clue the strength potion nerfing was going to happen as drastically as it did, there really is no point to need a Notch apple in PVP now because of the natural regeneration. I personally hate how long fighting takes now in 1.9, and making the apples readily available will only make that worse.

    As for the elytra/dragon egg idea, that is meant to be a one-time balance deduction, not something that you are able to get as a reward in a slot machine. I like the idea of getting an egg through that system and for a set amount of votes. I think the elytra would be worth something around 2 or 3 months of votes, with a dragon egg being worth half a year of them in my mind. Since it isn't required to have an egg to re-summon the dragon I don't see something wrong with having a one-of-a-kind item like it available to people after a very long amount of time and dedication (voting) to the server.

    The leather you can get from cows is something I saw being abused at spawn in 1.8 Mab, and I haven't heard of anyone abusing it on this one I'm assuming because of the low spawn rate you mentioned Gibson. Plus, I honestly haven't been able to find it, though I didn't look very hard. I also did a little looking on the Minecraft Wiki and was surprised to find out that pork and steak apparently have the same saturation. Whether this is a 1.9 change, I have no clue. I always remembered golden carrots being the highest saturation followed by steak, then porkchops and other meats.

    Gibson said the tp to the balloons was planned, but people would love the view and to be able to soar around spawn from them. Myself definitely included. Signs at spawn about eggs and warning about ender pearl loss are really something I've seen people bring up quite a bit.

    @CraftyMyner This was done awhile ago...


    @BaronBattleBread There is a pig spawner near spawn already. it should be just off the path on one sidse or another.. and we use cows because leather isnt overly useful and steak gives the highest saturation of the single cooked items. means you can run farther away

    We wont be making a notchapple, eletrya or dragon egg trade probably ever, or maybe having one for a special occasion in the distant future.. the items are too rare and the pride of having them from exploration and neardeath experiances would easily be diminished if you could buy them.

    Armor trading villagers... a recycler, if you will, weve talked about them before, but its nearly impossible ot make a return that people are happy with.

    I have been wanting the concept of armor recycling in Minecraft since I started playing in 1.4, it just seemed like something that belonged in a game about crafting and gather resources to suit your unique playing style. With the advent of rabbit hide it is very close to becoming a reality. I don't think the ratio should necessarily be something that people are "happy" with, it should be something that gives people the opportunity to salvage armor for their components. Full, unused armor should be able to be traded for something like a ratio of 1/8 of what the component armor was worth in my mind. A chest plate of leather would be worth 8 leather, so 32 rabbit hide. 1/8 of that would be 4 rabbit hide or 2 normal leather. For gold the ratio would have to jump to 1/9 because of its recipe and mineral value, so for a chest plate of 9 gold 9 nuggets would be returned, or 1 ingot. Iron would be the hardest to come up with a ratio for due to the absence of a component material, but imagining a ratio valued a little less than the suggested leather one would be something to consider. Backwards and side crafting is already in the game with the different recipes for diortie, granite, andesite from/to cobblestone, lapis to blue dye, beetroot for red dye, or even coarse dirt to and from normal dirt. I just think the ratio is something that needs to be played with. Being able to convert items around to suit your needs is what I would consider a key component of Minecraft, and the armor conversion would fit it really well.

    @R4iscool1 Minecraft is a game of collecting resources, i dont think we should be encouraging people to be lazy with teleporting horses.

    People come here to play a reasonably minimal vanilla experience, not to have people running arround and killing people with items that bestow effects.

    Dragon egg is a once off for a good reason.
    As for elytra there may be some discussion about that but we need to factor in players who already have them losing out.

    Armour recycling is hardly survival.
    Its just making the game unessecarily easy.

    The chances of every single notch apple being taken are miniscule.
    We have a 400k squared map its not our job to unbalance the economy and encourage laziness.

    How does teleporting horses encourage people to be lazy? Wouldn't having a random teleporter to get within 10k outside of spawn be lazy? It equivalent to a type of fast-travel in an open-world game. Something that simplifies a mechanic that comes with an open world game in a way that doesn't break the game. I don't think allowing people to tp their favorite horse that they have named with them is OP, its just a way to make traveling simpler. If anything by giving them a better way to travel it encourages people to travel and collect resources more because of the easier level of mobility.

    How would implementing a unique feature to the game using command blocks or NBT tags be anything different than what is done now, or even leave the realm of vanilla play? We have a system in place that teleports people to and from their home, the end, spawn, rooms that teleport you outside of spawn for enchantment and furnace rooms, villagers that some trades not existent in the game, none of these exist in normal vanilla play. Why not branch into custom items? Its something to consider I'd think. Baron has given out items that have enchantments unobtainable on normal items, I have a wood sword from him with max bow enchants called the splinter. It doesn't even have to be anything OP, just something like a "lucky rabbits foot" that applies speed 1 when you hold it. A "bottle of air" that gives you water breathing when you stand still underwater once every so often (I don't think is very feasible or balanced but its a concept). They could even be consumable items that are available for voting a number of times. I think the staff team is more than capable of doing it.

    @Blackened_Dawn There is no tp cooldown for VIP

    And for non-VIPs they would have a fair way to reset it if they are trying to use the teleport multiple times.

  14. @FlashFood I have been wanting the concept of armor recycling in Minecraft since I started playing in 1.4

    Glad to see support for a salvaging mechanic!

  15. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    As for the elytra/dragon egg idea, that is meant to be a one-time balance deduction, not something that you are able to get as a reward in a slot machine. I like the idea of getting an egg through that system and for a set amount of votes. I think the elytra would be worth something around 2 or 3 months of votes, with a dragon egg being worth half a year of them in my mind. Since it isn't required to have an egg to re-summon the dragon I don't see something wrong with having a one-of-a-kind item like it available to people after a very long amount of time and dedication (voting) to the server.

    I have been wanting the concept of armor recycling in Minecraft since I started playing in 1.4, it just seemed like something that belonged in a game about crafting and gather resources to suit your unique playing style. With the advent of rabbit hide it is very close to becoming a reality. I don't think the ratio should necessarily be something that people are "happy" with, it should be something that gives people the opportunity to salvage armor for their components. Full, unused armor should be able to be traded for something like a ratio of 1/8 of what the component armor was worth in my mind. A chest plate of leather would be worth 8 leather, so 32 rabbit hide. 1/8 of that would be 4 rabbit hide or 2 normal leather. For gold the ratio would have to jump to 1/9 because of its recipe and mineral value, so for a chest plate of 9 gold 9 nuggets would be returned, or 1 ingot. Iron would be the hardest to come up with a ratio for due to the absence of a component material, but imagining a ratio valued a little less than the suggested leather one would be something to consider. Backwards and side crafting is already in the game with the different recipes for diortie, granite, andesite from/to cobblestone, lapis to blue dye, beetroot for red dye, or even coarse dirt to and from normal dirt. I just think the ratio is something that needs to be played with. Being able to convert items around to suit your needs is what I would consider a key component of Minecraft, and the armor conversion would fit it really well.

    How does teleporting horses encourage people to be lazy? Wouldn't having a random teleporter to get within 10k outside of spawn be lazy? It equivalent to a type of fast-travel in an open-world game. Something that simplifies a mechanic that comes with an open world game in a way that doesn't break the game. I don't think allowing people to tp their favorite horse that they have named with them is OP, its just a way to make traveling simpler. If anything by giving them a better way to travel it encourages people to travel and collect resources more because of the easier level of mobility.

    How would implementing a unique feature to the game using command blocks or NBT tags be anything different than what is done now, or even leave the realm of vanilla play? We have a system in place that teleports people to and from their home, the end, spawn, rooms that teleport you outside of spawn for enchantment and furnace rooms, villagers that some trades not existent in the game, none of these exist in normal vanilla play. Why not branch into custom items? Its something to consider I'd think. Baron has given out items that have enchantments unobtainable on normal items, I have a wood sword from him with max bow enchants called the splinter. It doesn't even have to be anything OP, just something like a "lucky rabbits foot" that applies speed 1 when you hold it. A "bottle of air" that gives you water breathing when you stand still underwater once every so often (I don't think is very feasible or balanced but its a concept). They could even be consumable items that are available for voting a number of times. I think the staff team is more than capable of doing it.

    And for non-VIPs they would have a fair way to reset it if they are trying to use the teleport multiple times.

    You said it in your very post.
    A "one of a kind item".
    Its not exactly fair to devalue all the work people put into getting the egg by just making it a reward.

    As for eltrya there is an argument since they are useful.
    However its kind of unfair to devalue all the effort people put into collecting them.
    Its not like theres none left, collect them yourselves.

    Minecraft is a resource collecting game.
    It sort of defeats the purpose of gathering materials when you can get them back after using them for all they are worth.
    Its kinda equivlant to saying we should making crafting recipes cheaper.

    The Teleporter is there to prevent spawn getting nuked and to allow new players to get fresh resources without being camped.
    Its not there to make the game easier.
    We arent here to make the gamer easier for you, its easy enough without us doing that.

    People come to craftymynes for a purish vanilla experience.
    They dont come here for doing everything that can be done with plugins in vanilla. If they did they would go to a spigot server.
    Theres a difference between a useless sword like splinter and something that radically alters gameplay like permant speed 1 making the game even easier for no reason.
    It also creates a huge unbalance in PVP.

    You haven't actually provided any reason to implement these suggestions beyond that you'd like them because it makes it easier.

  16. Bug when in the arena very rarely for some reason when u hit someone they shoot up to the ceiling of the arena and then come back down. I have seen it multiple times and Kingjrod has seen it once and it isnt a hack and idk what the heck is causing it prob some glitch with the levitation

  17. @R4iscool1 Minecraft is a resource collecting game.
    It sort of defeats the purpose of gathering materials when you can get them back after using them for all they are worth.
    Its kinda equivlant to saying we should making crafting recipes cheaper.

    Is this meant to address armor salvaging? Because this is not at all what I was suggesting. I was expecting only full durability items to be trade-able.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    villagers don't have a durability trade notion except when giving you something with less durability. you can trade anything to them no matter the durability as long as they accept it as an item.

    as far as items giving you enchants when held.. they don't exist without a large amount of command blocks.. potion effects can only be consumed or splashed in vanilla.

    the only things you can do with "held" items are attribute modifiers such as max health, max attack, knock back resistance, movement speed and attack speed- all of which are against the vanilla rules for player based items.
    me putting bow enchants on a sword is within the creative realm of items books and anvils.

  19. I logged back into crafty mynas one night to discover that I was on fire, and taking no damage. My character stayed on fire for about 5 minutes before the fire went out. Anyone heard of this glitch?

  20. I added the Random TP reset, I will look into the pvp arena issue...

  21. Edited 8 years ago by iiTzZJojooo

    i agree what a few things @FlashFood said like the off hand potion one that give of speed or regen, however instead of potions why don't torches give off fkn light? this would make mining so much easier as u don't have to keep scrolling and putting a torch down every 8 or 9 blocks. It also would make sense as its a torch and you use torches for light, you shouldn't need to place one down for you to see. This would also decrease the amount of torches needed and can be used for different things like smelting ect.

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