1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by _Thomas_

    From now onwards, I will be selling iron gear to anyone who needs a quick set of armor, or you may just purchase iron. Prices are listed below. Prices are subject to change. Speak to Assassinsnature in-game.

    Chestplates - 10 emeralds
    Leggings - 8 emeralds
    Boots - 6 emeralds
    Helmets - 8 emeralds

    Iron - 1 Emerald/4 ingots
    Iron Block - 3 emeralds/1 Block

  2. iron is worth less than emeralds

  3. @gilbertboys iron is worth less than emeralds

    I know. But nobody sells iron. And I sell it for people who need armor and iron fast. Some people run out fast.

  4. just actually checked yer prices, that price for ingots is pretty good, expect future biz. Why is buying in block from much more expensive though?

  5. @gilbertboys just actually checked yer prices, that price for ingots is pretty good, expect future biz. Why is buying in block from much more expensive though?

    Buying a block is buying 9 iron. So I made it more expensive.

  6. @gilbertboys just actually checked yer prices, that price for ingots is pretty good, expect future biz. Why is buying in block from much more expensive though?

    Also because people would probably buy blocks, not individual ingots.

  7. no but its dispopotinate to the price of ingots. people will just buy ingots to bypass your pricing

  8. @gilbertboys no but its dispopotinate to the price of ingots. people will just buy ingots to bypass your pricing

    Guess you're right

  9. I'm always looking for dedicated iron merchants to support my redstone developments. Will hit you up sometime as the needs arise.

  10. youd do better charging with a different resorce since emeralds arent easier to aquire than pretty much every other resource in the game anymore

  11. @ardoasms youd do better charging with a different resorce since emeralds arent easier to aquire than pretty much every other resource in the game anymore

    Yes but you see, I am... Uh.. How you say? Um. Broke when it comes to emeralds.

  12. @ardoasms youd do better charging with a different resorce since emeralds arent easier to aquire than pretty much every other resource in the game anymore

    The stuff has a meaningless value. It tries to emulate paper money and failed for the most part. I'd rarely to never trade with players for it unless it was just to convert the equivalent values

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