What makes you more happy?

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  2. 7 years ago

    @TheBlizWiz dude

    this is minecraft

    there is no science

    Who says this was about minecraft? *mischievous laugh* it was about what makes you happy. I get my happinessfrom being lost in deep thoughts and finding my meanings in them

    @Jordi223b So deep...

    My mind explodes into a fractal of these kinds of thoughts on a daily when I'm bored. Philosophy and Metaphysics is something that was what basically birthed the scince of philosophy. Acient Philosophers were admired and seen as wise. Now if you major in Philosophy you can't do jack shit with that major which sucks. It was a career path I wanted but wrote off as an unsuccessful job path. I wonder... if Philosophy birthed scientific philosophy along with many other philosophies that've impacted the world. What are the philosophies of today? What are they impacting now and who? How?

  3. @iDogeTwinkie I've had an unhealthy relationship too. That's why I'm happy it ended.

    When it comes to money, honestly, I'm doing Forex trading because I can do it from home.
    It's very risky but very lucrative business to be into. I have a mentor and he wants to help me as much as he can. Money is just something that person needs to live a daily life. Buying food and drinks and other stuff.

    I definitely wouldn't want to experience being homeless. I saw a lot of homeless people in my lifetime and I always helped them with money not caring on what they'll spend it on because I knew I did a right thing. :)

    What's Forex trading?

  4. Disappear into India

    Good one lad ! xD

    When I look up at the night sky and think yes we are apart of this universe, we are in this universe. But... perhaps more important than both of those facts... is that the universe is in us....

    'O man, the cure to your ailment is within you and you do not know; and your pain is also from you but you do not see.
    Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocosm is placed within you?
    O man, you are a clear book with whose letters every invisible thing becomes visible.
    -Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) ^^
    You are a copy of divine secrets; a mirror reflecting the beauty of the king. What is in the universe is in you too. You should seek from yourself what you are looking for since you are the compendium (of the universe). -i think its Hafez, dont remember ^^.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by Rybye


  6. @Rybye Money=happiness

    because money buys you food and shelter

  7. @MasaruCyri because money buys you food and shelter

    Bah money buys him gunpowder cause he is "lazy" and "rich"

  8. @MasaruCyri because money buys you food and shelter

    Also buys you luxuries but at tge expect of who you can trust. You never know who's trust your simply just buying

  9. @iDogeTwinkie I ask this because I'm the type of a guy who doesn't care about money & materialistic things.

    TBH i'm surprised to hear you say this. I remember threads like this or this .

    I think happiness is a combination of things. For instance I bought skis and I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of them, but your millage may vary because happiness isn't about the skis. Maybe it's that I'm good at sking, or maybe it's that I still find it challenging, maybe it's about the people I ski with. Maybe it's other things, because I still think I would be happy even if I didn't ski. Sometimes you're going to be happy without trying and sometimes your going to be sad and not know what to do about it, but in the long run I think happiness is something that you seek, find, and ultimately must choose to have.

  10. Edited 7 years ago by Pimpcy

    Gummy worms and cuddles


  11. @pand1024 TBH i'm surprised to hear you say this. I remember threads like this or this .

    I think happiness is a combination of things. For instance I bought skis and I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of them, but your millage may vary because happiness isn't about the skis. Maybe it's that I'm good at sking, or maybe it's that I still find it challenging, maybe it's about the people I ski with. Maybe it's other things, because I still think I would be happy even if I didn't ski. Sometimes you're going to be happy without trying and sometimes your going to be sad and not know what to do about it, but in the long run I think happiness is something that you seek, find, and ultimately must choose to have.

    So what my B&O headset has to do with me who doesn't care about materialistic things?

    I bought them because I always wanted them. I can buy myself what I like. I'm sure ski's weren't cheap either. :)

  12. Hapiness is a chemical reaction in the brain triggered by things that benefit us or are important to us.

  13. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    So in a more Sigmund Freud version, what does trigger this reaction to your brain?

    Also the question wasn't what is happiness

  14. Dopamine

  15. @_Haxington_ Dopamine

    Dopamine, Endorphin, Oxytocin, Serotonin

  16. all cause addiction

  17. And they cause a feeling of "happiness" whenever we do something we like.

  18. Endorphin ftw

  19. Edited 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @HaloNest Endorphin ftw


    All your emotions are as synthetic as the chemicals you think of when you think drugs. Literally ANY drug you can think of.

  20. Well there are two types of hapliness though, there is short term and long term. Short term is for something that provides instant gratification without needing to work for it, while the long term takes time but in the end it usually provides greater happiness than the short term

  21. @GrinningBobcat all cause addiction

    they don't necessarily cause addiction, cause else you'd be addicted to everything that ever made you even a little bit happy

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