1. 7 years ago

    everyone i messed up and lost m phone
    my friends called my number but no one picked up
    how shall i tell my parents i lost my phone? (they are not the nicest and understanding parents, and theyre quite violent) so im rlly scared to tell em

    if you guys have personal experience plz halp

  2. Tell them. If they are abuse level violent: run.

  3. @GrinningBobcat Tell them. If they are abuse level violent: run.

    unfortunately i live in an apartment so not dat easy

  4. Think about it this way
    Option a) tell them and get in trouble for losing your phone
    Option b) wait until they find out and get in trouble for lying(hiding it) AND losing it

    Which do you think they'd be more annoyed by

  5. Say your dog ate it!

    Serious answer, just say it was stolen. If you think that'd be worse, just tell the truth I guess.

  6. Admiting your mistake is usully best but as grinning said run if needed. Have you explore other options for finding it? Retracing your steps, find my phone apps maybe

  7. Do you use Google maps get on a pc log in to your google account depending on settings it may have a lit of the places your phone has gone and then go to the last place on list

  8. Edited 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    Tell them when you are outside. Don't trust them till they calm down and even then be cautious. If we are talking about latina mom ass whooping with the flip flop then just embrace it. If it's child abuse level of whooping where you are bleeding then there's an issue

  9. When I was a kid, I lost my dad's really nice military flashlight while riding my bike. My dad isn't abusive at all but it was a really nice flashlight that I had lost. I would recommend going to a well trusted friend's house after school (without telling your parents if you think they will recognize you are missing quickly) and call them. tell them that you lost it and that you love them, and then tell them who you are with and where. Hopefully they will calm down before they com to get you, or if you doubt they will, call them from a friend's phone at school and tell a teacher if you think you will get beaten for it. This is a sucky situation but I hope you get out of it.

  10. Ok, check your phone plan, was it scheduled to get upgraded? What kind of phone was it? When did you get it? How long have you had a phone?

  11. say that you dropped it down the drain

  12. Edited 7 years ago by Pimpcy

    Show you parents this thread as proof of your struggles with them

  13. find it!

  14. @Pimpcy Show you parents this thread as proof of your struggles with them

    I agree with pimpcy on this one

  15. Edited 7 years ago by TimmyBoyT

    I'm an old man with 3 kids so I know s thing or 2...
    Venetorem had it right, better to own up to it than to be in trouble for multiple problems all at once. Personally I forgive my kids for more than they expect if they save me the time of playing detective. Plus they may not appreciate you putting yourself at risk by being out of touch without their knowledge.
    If you want to try to soften the blow, tell them you have something important you need to talk with them about and then give them time to worry about all the horrible things you may have done like burglary, arson, unwanted pregnancy, etc. then break the news that it's a lost phone.
    It wouldn't hurt to offer to be extra helpful around the house and work off your debt.
    Good luck.

  16. @TheMightyDrex find it!

    haha yeah i went to school early that day(band excuses) (how do you know ur gonna lose a bet if you dont bet at all) and betted on finding it b4 my parents know, and i found it!

  17. Where was it

  18. Nice! Good for you. Happy to see the community come together to help out.

  19. @TheMightyDrex l

    "help out"
    *prevent kids from getting in trouble*
    no offence forgotten <3

  20. @Pimpcy Show you parents this thread as proof of your struggles with them

    Why did I find this funny. I am horrible.

  21. Newer ›

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