1. 7 years ago

    -image-This is a thread for all your pixel art needs. please contribute some if you have any. Here's an image to start off with. Bowser Jr. From Mario. Please give suggestions/feedback if you have any, that would help as well. -AttackTeam

  2. ehhh that's pretty good also I WILL be back here, once I get my sheep farm sorted I'm gonna get lots of pixel art done ^^

  3. @AttackTeam and @jamlbon can either of you make a pixel art of Craftymyner fighting a horde of Husks

  4. cool

  5. Edited 7 years ago by AttackTeam

    -image- Here's another one I made today. Here's some accompanying music as well. Let the music kick in after 30 seconds, it's deceiving at first. -AttackTeam

  6. Nice , now make one of those flying hammer bros with some sledges thrown in air :D

  7. You mean this? -image-

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