anti lava bucket trigger

  1. 8 years ago

    I have been playing on this server for almost a year now and until today I didn't know lava buckets were forbidden in spawn I was on my way back from the neather with 9 buckets of lava in my inv for my base at home and I get a message and they are gone. now this isn't a rant about it but I really think there should be some warning system like hey you have 60 seconds to leave the area or your going to lose your lava buckets. that's a lot of iron out the window because I wasn't informed of the anti lava trigger.

  2. I know its written in the rules I guess I must have forgotten about no lava buckets in spawn

  3. The issue is, players can take advantage of a system like that, i used to only remove it when it was in their main hand or they were in spawn for more then 30 seconds with it, here is the kinda stuff we saw about once a week: -image-

  4. Mind you that mountain of cobble was about 2 times the size before I started taking it down...

  5. that's huge. I wish children didn't mess things up for us all.

  6. I know its off the topic here but is there a way to get a copy of the level used on legacy?

  7. @Fisban_Regner I know its off the topic here but is there a way to get a copy of the level used on legacy?

    no, and the reason for that is one could easily spectate and xray a bunch of ores.

  8. I don't feel like releasing my command blocks the everyone, or releasing everyone's base, or dealing with hosting 100gb of data for people to download. That being said, if you would like your old base, I could come up with some sort of deal for you to get just your base as a download...

  9. Would it be possible to tweak the command just to switch the item for a normal, empty bucket?

  10. Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    maybe Yes

  11. It would be so cool if we could get downloads of our bases! We could test things like defenses or decorations in single player, then build them in multiplayer.

  12. Hax if it was done, it would be of the legacy server. I cant imagine crafty letting players have a copy of their base in 1.9 as its too op and can be used for a large advantage

  13. Is the advantage really that great though? Its not like they can see other people's bases, just theirs.
    I understand the concern that they might be able to find ores in single player and mine them in multiplayer, but if they do so, they would have to first find them in single player and then somehow go to the exact same place in multiplayer to mine them. This seems like a very tedious task that few would go through.

  14. Just use commands and a xray mod and bobs your uncle. We cant stop them doing it off the server. All they have to do is save coords
    Also, it gives a advatage in creation, whats to stop someone using creative on their map base? It does give one

  15. Edited 8 years ago by GibsonAxe

    Seems like it would be a lot of unnecessary work on Crafty's end to do that, consider how many ppl would ask for it, not to mention hes busy enough as it is.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    Meh... But if they use X-Rays on single player, then that means that they have a hacked client already installed on their system...

  17. This is not really important, I just thought it would be cool. I understand if Crafty never adds it.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    WeepCraft...? Crafty is hacker confirmed :P

  19. All server owners should be farmillar with and have hands on experience with hacked clients to better understand the risks to their servers and to be able to protect their servers better from hackers

  20. Oh no, a hacked client that hasn't been updated since 1.8.6, how awful, ban Crafty!

  21. Newer ›

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