1. 7 years ago

    Hello! ^^

    I realized that I don't do a lot of building anymore in MC, and because of this, I end up with a lot of free time, sitting by my guardian grinders. I get bored, and there isn't much for me to do since I don't raid and grief. So, in addition to selling ocean blocks and books (coming soon!) I would also like to set up a "worker for hire" type business. I will charge a fee based on the complexity and resources/time needed to complete each job. These jobs could be anything from mining a set amount of ore, gathering woods/leaves/flowers, collecting leather or meat, helping dig or mine out an area for you, or even more risky things such as venturing into the nether to get quartz ore or farm wither skulls (ok maybe not wither skulls, that's waaaay too time consuming).

    Orders would be subject to my approval-- if you ask me to do a ridiculous hard task (i.e. get me 50 stacks of diamonds) I would have the right to turn the job down, or negotiate a more do-able task. All jobs can be purchased in 30 minutes or 1 hour increments and I will accept jobs for 3 hrs each day :) First come, first serve.

    Would anyone be interested in this?

  2. Me!

  3. Sweet! Place your order and we can negotiate a price :D

  4. Yes, I would like to hire you to be a location scout for me to build an enderman xp farm.
    Also, how much longer for the lanterns?

  5. @xeniac85 Yes, I would like to hire you to be a location scout for me to build an enderman xp farm.
    Also, how much longer for the lanterns?

    I can do that-- we'll need to go over details (such as how far out in the end you are looking for, etc.)

    Sea lanterns are slow going, man-- I'm at the mercy of spawn rates; currently I have 5 stacks but it takes a couple days to get a full stack, so I'd predict probably the end of next week. If I get around to raiding a few more ocean temples, then I'll definitely have it done sooner, and in that case, I'll let you know.

  6. I would like to hire you too!

  7. @Cileklim I would like to hire you too!

    Send me your job, Cile! I'll put you on the list and we can discuss the job/fee :D

  8. I can hire you for a building project, assuming of course you swear to secrecy. but It also might be beneficial to you as well in the same regard.

  9. @AttackTeam I can hire you for a building project, assuming of course you swear to secrecy. but It also might be beneficial to you as well in the same regard.

    Hey as long as you don't set me up as a trap, your coords and build are safe :) I have a long standing reputation as a loyal, legit player. You'd have to really screw me over to have me retaliate. That being said, I'd be happy to help with your building project! ^^ We can iron out the details via private message.

  10. Deleted 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT
  11. @NerdieBirdieYT Typical Naidae- pure, honest, and extraordinarily kind. I love it. :D

    I don't have any projects in mind for you right now, but keep doing what you're doing and keep being you. (: Good luck!

  12. Did you make a comment, quote it, and delete the first just to make it look like that? XD

  13. Deleted 7 years ago by Cankicker_
  14. @Cankicker8 yeah dark letters are awesome

  15. but why the second post >_<

  16. @Retrochewy am i allowed to tp people like aidae into the base?

  17. @Venetorem I made a typo, tried to edit it, and accidentally quoted myself. XD

  18. @TheForgotten20 @Retrochewy am i allowed to tp people like aidae into the base?

    Naidae, Pengu, Ina, Tom, Paul2001 r ok, ask for others and i will see

  19. Hey, may I hire you for a project?

  20. @DS77_7 Hey, may I hire you for a project?

    Depends on the project! What did you have in mind?

  21. Newer ›

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