Nerdnation: Applications

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  2. 7 years ago

    Imma try again, cause I have nowhere else to go
    IGN: goofygirl313

    Gender: Female

    Discord: I quit discord

    Approximate Time on CM: in ticks, it's 1210984

    About Me: I'm an only child that spend to much time on the computer, I enjoy singing, drawing, playing Minecraft, talking to people, and watching youtube. I also am a big undertale and Pokemon nerd I make friends easily as well.

    Former Factions: I have been in no other factions.

    Why Join NN? I enjoy playing CraftMyens and being in out of houses is not fun, I'd just like to stay in one place.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I would like to be in a faction and have other people to help me and friends I can go to when a creeper blows me up.

    Other: not like you need to know but I do suffer from anxiety,
    boopaboop :)

  3. @goofygirl313 Applications are currently closed. NN is meeting about applications and such tonight. Whatever the case may be, I'm sure Discord will be a requirement.

  4. Deleted 7 years ago by Yul
  5. After tonight's meeting, NerdNation has decided to lock its door. We are now an invite-only faction, meaning there are no applications and no asking to join. Instead, we will reach out to you if we'd like you to join.

  6. Nerd Nation has now begun the process of copying the way that Team Eye does things. They realize that we are the superior faction since we don't get raided every other week and are now changing their ways to try to catch up to us (which they never will).

  7. SC has used invite-only on and off for years, ever since its creation. They're copying a superior faction all right, but it's not Team Eye :P

  8. @Dennari43 SC has used invite-only on and off for years, ever since its creation. They're copying a superior faction all right, but it's not Team Eye :P

    strangers company is full of nobodies, team eye has the richest and most powerful players on the server.

    also we own the egg xd

  9. always the egg it has to be dosnt it

  10. @DoppyRex they have nothing else to gloat about. you gotta give them what little they have sometimes

  11. Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00

    @SharpSerac lol but ya'll are just piggy-backing off your mole tho

    also, sharp, my man, you can get defensive about your faction all day, but at the end of the day team eye isn't the only faction to ever be-invite only. we're just swapping to invite-only simply because that's the smarter move for us to do in the end. nothing about copying ya'll, but hey, that's none of my bussiness

    whatever makes you have sweet dreams my guy

  12. @Dennari43 @DoppyRex they have nothing else to gloat about. you gotta give them what little they have sometimes

    we have probably the closest bonded faction on the server, the most raids pulled off, the longest living active faction, most riches acquired, and we are the most skilled at pvp.

    but ya know, whatever makes you feel better lol, say we got nothing bucko

    @GrandpaCarl00 @SharpSerac lol but ya'll are just piggy-backing off your mole tho

    we didn't even get any of the riches because of our mole, we got that just because we're the best players on cm

  13. @SharpSerac

    that isn't the point tho B

  14. @GrandpaCarl00 @SharpSerac

    that isn't the point tho B

    so we got nn coords from a mole, what are you/they gonna do about it lol

  15. @SharpSerac Nerd Nation has now begun the process of copying the way that Team Eye does things. They realize that we are the superior faction since we don't get raided every other week and are now changing their ways to try to catch up to us (which they never will).

    I wasn't aware TE was invite-only, but okay :P

    I'm getting tired of replying to your troll comments. Maybe I'll just stop... Might hurt your obviously needy self-confidence, but it'd also prevent a lot of drama.

    Hm. Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm not answering your ridiculous statements anymore, but have fun taunting people to get a reaction.

  16. @SharpSerac the longest living active faction


  17. NN is poor af, especially their leader
    It's been around 6 months since he first came on and he still doesn't trust himself enough to wear god gear around
    Or maybe he doesn't have any???? :o

  18. @Retrochewy

    lol, nerdie does have god gear, he only wears it when it's needed, i mean, i would wear enchanted iron or something of the likes, i wouldn't want to risk god gear being lost as i don't got the motivation to pump out sets, i had my own set of god gear, but you could ask a good chunk of people that I wore a god chainset simply for the sake of not wearing godgear and the fact of why the hell not make a god chainset

  19. @Retrochewy

    Tfw when you explain something over and over and people still wonder about it...

    I don't like grinding for god sets. It bores me. Yes, I have a couple pairs I could wear if I wanted. But why risk losing them to a bad fall or an elytra glitch or a random zombie swarm? I wear iron because that's easily replaceable and still keeps me alive for what I use armor for.

    I also have a ton of elytra, as I enjoy end city raiding, but you don't see me wearing those often either. Do I have enough that I could risk wearing them all the time and lose one pair? Yeah, but why would I? My iron suits me fine. If I need to fly, I'll grab an elytra, but I don't wear it everywhere.

    There are plenty of people who prefer to wear NO armor most of the time, but you don't see them being mocked. Just because I lead a faction doesn't mean I have to go about things like most people do, nor does it mean I have to do specific things to show my wealth (which I'm not interested in, anyway). NN has never been based around power or glory, it's always been about having fun and meeting new people and hopefully making the server a more enjoyable place.

    To wrap it up, you're not the first who's mocked me about it, and you won't be the last. I could care less whether you think I'm rich or not, regardless of the fact that I do own multiple god sets. Mind your own business. :P

  20. Edited 7 years ago by The3xpertGamer

    @NerdieBirdieYT @Retrochewy

    Tfw when you explain something over and over and people still wonder about it...

    I don't like grinding for god sets. It bores me. Yes, I have a couple pairs I could wear if I wanted. But why risk losing them to a random zombie swarm?

    ... I am taking it a little bit out of context, but really? And if you have god gear, you can fall 100 blocks without dying. I have never found my elytra fail me, but just for the worst case scenario I keep my gear in my echest until I reach an end city or a raid.

  21. Team eye has actually like 3 double chests of god gear xd

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