1. 6 years ago

    SovietSuperman is my ign for almost everything I play, however I can't see myself using it any more. Any suggestions on a new name?

  2. CapitalistSuperman

  3. SovietSaitama

  4. Sohvern

  5. sotha sil

  6. StalingRad

  7. supersov

  8. Deleted 6 years ago by rnc2011
  9. IrrelevantIronman

  10. WHale

  11. thenew52

  12. Bourgeoisie

  13. SovietNormalman

  14. @SovietSuperman_ SovietSuperman is my ign for almost everything I play, however I can't see myself using it any more. Any suggestions on a new name?


  15. I wish to formally and publicly apologize to Soviet. I misspoke when i accused him of leaking my cords, it was actually captain Mitchell but for some reason i mixed it up. I am very sorry and hope you can accept my apology, I erased my earlier post.

  16. Philliam

  17. RedArmy666

  18. Change your name to jeff.
    My nama jeff

  19. TheDunmerRaven, oh wait that gold is taken :P

  20. RegularSuperman_ (if this is still relavent)

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