Nightly Twitch Streams

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by drkc97

    Hi! I would like to invite you all to my new nightly Fortnite Twitch streams! I will be streaming every night. I'm currently coming up with a solid schedule which I will share later! The times will be anywhere from 8pm-12am!

    The stream can be found at

  2. Piece of advice, when trying to get people to visit somewhere, information like chanel name/link tend to help =P

  3. Yes I apologize. I made the post at work, and had to run off quickly. I didn't have time to put the link in. As I will add into the original post, the link is:

  4. Changed the channel to Off-Topic since it isn't Minecraft. I'm not a fortnite fan, but good luck!

  5. 5 years ago
    Deleted 5 years ago by drkc97
  6. NOW LIVE! :)

  7. ok

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