Getting Kicked for being AFK

  1. 6 years ago

    Its kind of hard to use afk mob farms when you get kicked after 20 minutes of being afk. Honestly, I'm not really sure why there is an afk timer on this server being vanilla and all. I mean, I under stand the server restart every 3 hours, but the afk timer I do not.
    I mean I guess it helps stop lag created by players who aren't playing, but unless they're afk over a massive 100+ passive mob farm, I can't see it creating that many problems.

    To be fair, I'm no server expert. I don't run servers nor do I understand the exacts of how it works, all I really know is that the two things that cause notable lag are portals, and entities. The later of which, unless passive or nametagged, will de-spawn given some time.

    So to sum things up, why is there a Afk timer? All it's doing is being an annoyance to anyone who tries to go afk over 20 minutes.

    Thanks you for reading my rant.

  2. The idea is more or less, get rid of the afk timer please, its really annoying and we get kicked anyways every 3 hours.

  3. there are afk fishing machines that allow you to get rid of idle kicking, they are allowed by rules too

  4. Each player requires about 150-200MB of RAM each and some bases can consume up to 500MB of RAM. Lag is directly proportional to the amount of players and the things they have loaded around them. The AFK timeout has been set to 30 minutes to try and be as fair as possible to everyone. I know it is painful but there are ways around it as mentioned above.

  5. @Nicnicnico there are afk fishing machines that allow you to get rid of idle kicking, they are allowed by rules too

    I dont get what you mean by this, how does afk fishing stop you from getting kicked?

  6. @FieryPhoenix64 I dont get what you mean by this, how does afk fishing stop you from getting kicked?

    the game cant tell if you're actually afk when you spam right click in an afk fish farm

  7. Oh, right. I thought it would be based off co-ords, the same way the move to cancel tps work.

  8. @Nicnicnico there are afk fishing machines that allow you to get rid of idle kicking, they are allowed by rules too

    Can I use a auto clicker for the fish farm? Its that or I tape down my right mouse key and that leaves a weird residue on it.

  9. @Zaper8 Can I use a auto clicker for the fish farm? Its that or I tape down my right mouse key and that leaves a weird residue on it.

    While holding down right click disconnect your mouse and it'll keep right clicking.

  10. @_hallowed While holding down right click disconnect your mouse and it'll keep right clicking.

    Didnt know that even worked!

  11. @_hallowed While holding down right click disconnect your mouse and it'll keep right clicking.

    Oh, cool, thanks

  12. @Zaper8 Can I use a auto clicker for the fish farm? Its that or I tape down my right mouse key and that leaves a weird residue on it.

    No you can't use an auto-clicker/macro. Sorry.

  13. Edited 6 years ago by FieryPhoenix64

    @Th3GreenGamer No you can't use an auto-clicker/macro. Sorry.

    Does that mean I can't put a weight on my mouse either?

  14. @FieryPhoenix64 Does that mean I can't put a weight on my mouse key either?

    You can put a weight or unplug your mouse, some macro programs are able to do things that are not humanly possible like fast hits and custom potion/inv management.

  15. @CraftyMyner You can put a weight or unplug your mouse, some macro programs are able to do things that are not humanly possible like fast hits and custom potion/inv management.

    Oh, ok. Thanks!

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