
Last active 11 months ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Thu Jul 12 20:13:20 2018
    Naidae posted in Word Association.


  2. Sun Jul 8 13:56:21 2018
    Naidae posted in Ghost Encounter Stories.

    God, I wish I did! I had it on my laptop from school but I haven't been able to locate the recording in years, Sally. However, we also lived in what we believed to be a haunted dorm room. The girls who lived directly below is came upstairs to complain about us rearranging furniture early in the morning or late at night, which we completely denied doing. Went so far as to set up a tape recorder in their room and record what went on when both of us were gone. I still have that tape and there's a lot of unexplainable sounds on it.

  3. Fri Jul 6 14:27:39 2018
    Naidae posted in Ghost Encounter Stories.

    Alrighty, I've got a few stories, but I'll share my most memorable one, and I apologize in advance for the length :D

    Back when I was a freshman in college (2008) they offered "haunted ghost tours" of some of the more historic buildings on campus. To be fair, most of the buildings were old, as the school was built in the late 1800's. The oldest building on campus was originally a hotel that had been converted into dorms for the upper-classmen and it was an all-around creepy place.

    My roommate and I were both really into that spooky shit so we went, listened to the lecture from the lady conducting the tour, and then we were left to go "hunting" on our own inside this dorm. While a creepy place, it didn't really give off any odd vibes so I was sure nothing was going to happen.

    Fast forward about 30 minutes into our exploration (they had given us a full hour to "hunt"), and we find ourselves in the basement. Concrete walls and floor, no paint or light fixtures, and no other students messing around. It was a complete 180 from the upstairs portion of the building. There was a single hanging light bulb that lit up a room just big enough for 2 washers and 2 dryers (maybe 8x8? There was just a little path to walk between the washers and dryers). Past that was a very narrow hallway with a door at the end. I had started to get a liiiiittle weirded out at this point but my roommate was all excited to see what the door led to so I followed along.

    We open this door to find the fkn creepiest bathroom known to man. It was a 3-stall bathroom like you'd see in a school, with wall to wall mirrors across the front, with 3 sinks. Pretty average, right? Except the mirror was terribly cracked, shattered in one place where it looked as though someone threw a chair at it. Two of the sinks were busted and the third sink was altogether missing. The stall doors were hanging at odd angles, and even the tile floor was cracked and pitted.

    Thankfully the fluorescent lights worked, so that was a plus. But entering the bathroom, my feelings changed dramatically. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, I began to feel anxious and legitimately scared, and I asked my roommate if we could just go. What does she do? Lock the fkn door and turn off the lights.

    Yeah. I know. I wanted to punch her. Now she starts asking questions into the darkness ("Is there anyone here with us? "What's your name?" etc, etc) all the while, I'm getting more and more apprehensive, to the point where I eventually said something along the lines of needing to get the hell out of there ASAP. She turns the lights back on, unlocks the door, and we bolt out. As soon as we're out of there and back upstairs, the anxious feeling is gone. The whole encounter may have lasted 5 minutes.

    Fast forward a few hours...

    We're back in our room and I'm going over the recording I took with my phone when I come across the bathroom scene. As I hear my roommate's voice in the background, muffled and asking questions, this LOUD whisper comes over the speaker saying "Get Out!" as though it were right on top of the microphone. When she asks her last question, I hear the voice again, a little quieter, say "Gooo...". That was right before we bolted out of there. It was just the two of us in that bathroom, and neither of us heard ANYTHING while we were actually there.

    Still creeps me the fk out thinking back on it.

  4. 6 years ago
    Wed Jun 6 03:31:02 2018

    @Stone__Warrior Can't speak to the pvp idea, but we do have a forum section dedicated to showing off builds, bases, and anything cool :D Link's below:

  5. Mon Jun 4 22:31:26 2018
    Naidae posted in Word Association.


  6. Sat Jun 2 19:08:23 2018
    Naidae posted in Word Association.

    The Red Scare

  7. Sat Jun 2 06:23:05 2018
    Naidae posted in Word Association.


  8. Thu May 24 19:25:21 2018
    Naidae posted in A Modest Proposal.

    @GrandpaCarl00 Also, @Naidae couldn't the same be said about building too? Not siding with TE but building is arguably as easy to get bored of as raiding- Once you're out of ideas, you're out of ideas- plus this again is CM- like you said, raiding and griefing is open game.

    And eventually, the builders have nothing left to build, they're just mainly sitting around nowadays, or end up becoming inactive. Also, if every one of CM didn't raid or grief and it was just building, there would be an unhealthy amount of tranquility and things would get boring, y'know? Nowadays there's very much hardly anything left to do on CM. Most of what's been built has been built. The Economy is severely broken and with structure generation in shambles- messing with any form of data is risky business so a reset is really the only good solution. Plus you know too, griefing isn't entirely a bad thing. Softatroll and good portions of SC weren't active but the griefing of Esepolis actually gave them something to do.

    Craftymynes in general hasn't been very full like it has been in the last few months either even if school has been around for most people. With the reasons above, things just got stale man- When measures call people will do things to spice things up.

    @GrandpaCarl00 Well of course it goes both ways, but I was asking them specifically if raiding/griefing ever gets boring because I don't hear or see much in the way of building on their end. I think you took my question the wrong way-- I think raiders and griefers are a necessary part of the server and without them, the "survival" aspect gets taken down a peg. I was seriously just curious if they ever got bored with it; if builders get bored, I would think griefers would too from time to time.

    and @darktyui Thank you for actually answering my question! It's appreciated :)

  9. Wed May 23 23:35:59 2018
    Naidae posted in A Modest Proposal.

    I see two sides to this, really.

    1. It's a raiding/griefing server. We should all be prepared to lose our builds at any given time; it's the nature of the beast. That's the whole point! You build, you get raided, you start over :) Play smart, play safe, and you'll most likely have a good time. It was a nice town, but it's time to go.

    2. Whether joking or not, I find it in poor taste to somewhat mock the people that put tons of hours in on building this town. Extorting them for payment that you are definitely not owed just seems wrong. I personally don't see how constantly raining on players' fun is actually entertaining, but different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

    Legit question, doesn't raiding and/or griefing get boring ever? Like, do you folks work on your own builds and such, or is your time on CM solely dedicated to raiding?

  10. Wed Feb 14 00:59:37 2018

    Well count me in, but sorry to see another player go!

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