
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue Aug 15 01:29:30 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @Blackened_Dawn I'm not fighting on here to appeal my ban but since you brought it up I'd like you to re-iterate why exactly I was banned because as far as I know I reponded to those accusations and thought to the extent where they could be respectufully deemd untrue.

  2. Tue Aug 15 01:17:42 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @Blackened_Dawn If you could revise what you wrote and get back to me so I can respond to it i'd appreciate it.

  3. Tue Aug 15 01:09:53 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    The views don't matter but I'm still waiting from a reponse to why a staff member used an alt account to back up his own argument and won't comment on the matter

  4. Tue Aug 15 01:02:19 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    As i've stated in my fair post, other people who have/had problems with the server have been banned/left. There are more than just these 7 people and the only opposed i've seen are two staff members and an alt used to promote themselves so as it is standing I think we have a better argument. Other players may fear speaking out against the staff because they have the power. @R4iscool1

  5. Tue Aug 15 00:52:03 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @R4iscool1 I gave you a very true response and what I believe to be measured response, what in my response was mocking.

    Go ahead, they will vindicate me.

    The reponse didn't solve anything. Enough players are commenting on this post that have a problem with the way staff do business that you can't deny there isn't a problem. CM is a community based server/game and if even a portion of the community is upset steps should be taken to resolve the issues people have.

  6. Tue Aug 15 00:47:13 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @Naidae @NerdieBirdieYT I mean.. you keep saying to want staff to look at how we handle enforcement of the rules, but I've yet to see any actual proposed solutions, suggestions, or ideas for modification of the enforcement system? I'm not trying to corner you here, I'm just genuinely curious if you or anyone else, have any solutions/ideas/suggestions they'd like to propose?

    If you were lucky enough to see my post you'd see that I mentioned the forum I created on staff communication. Instead of any true responses I was just mocked.

  7. Tue Aug 15 00:43:05 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    I respect what Nerdie is doing here by keeping the ball rolling. I may not be apart of the community anymore but If you want to see the server be more sucessful, changes, even if subtle must take place. It is also a fact that untrue information was used to convict me. Staff say I was warned "many times" but I was only warned once and only warned about revealing private information not specifically using staffs real names. From what I saw Venetorum and Crafty's first names weren't private information as I only knew them by seeing other players use them in chat. I'm happy (not grateful) that members of the community, even people who I don't consider "friends" feel the same way I do. And I made sure to keep my farewell post fair, not using staff names, and not using erratic behavior/words. If I wish to return to this server in the future it'd only be after change is made. My opinion should be weighted as I liked the server enough to donate to it and spend a lot of time on and these dedicated players should be listened to.

  8. Mon Aug 14 21:22:42 2017
    Grassling started the conversation My Outgoing Message.

    As many of you may know, today I have recieved a perm-ban ending my time on craftymynes. I was a member of the server for only around a month and a half but in that time I put in alot of hours into the server as, overall, I enjoyed my expierence. Those who know me may have controverisal opinions on me because to the people I liked, I like to think I was a nice/fun person to be around but to those people who I disliked I was very verbal with my opionions/problems. Regarding staff, I admittidly got off on the wrong foot. As soon as I joined I broke rules and disregarded staff. However, this behavior soon stopped after I joined and I kept mostly to myself for awhile and as a result the intial behavior didn't carry with me.

    But then I remember the frist time I ever asked a staff member for assistance. I had lost my items in a clearing in a chunk that I believed wasn't loaded so clearly being upset, I told a moderator what happened and was met with a response "well rip you". I didn't expect to get my stuff back but I did expect a decent reponse. This disrespectfulness/unprofessionalism combined with my anger of losing my items ignited my hate for this particular staff member. Verbalizing my opinions to this staff member must've put me on their "bad side" beause from then on every little rule I broke got me wared/kicked/banned.

    After my 3rd ban from this indivisual and a warning for a perm ban next time, I learned to verbalize myself without breaking rules. I made a forum post about a problem I had with staff communication and was completley mocked by nearly every staff member that responded to it, none giving a good answer / working towards a solution. I asked one of the same staff members that mocked me on the post a question later that same day and all he could say for himself was "idk". Isn't a staff members job to enforce the rules? How are they able to do this if they don't know the rules or care enough to discuss and figure them out.

    As a last thought I'd like to communicate to the staff that I'm not the only person who has a problem with the way you handle situations/talk to people. I've talked to other members of the community that don't like the way things are run they just aren't verbal about it because they don't want to be banned. Others that had problems with the staff either got banned because of it or just quit the server because they aren't willing to put up with it. I had fun, and I admittly was a handleful to deal with, but there was a major problem with the staff that represent the server and as I expect no change to come from this post I advise new players to be weary of staff and take the rules very literally.

  9. Sun Aug 13 06:36:22 2017
    Grassling started the conversation Grassling's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: Grassling

    Reason for your ban: Reavealing Personal Information

    Why should you be unbanned: I was banned for saying "J**** and Juli" refering to Venetorem and Juli in chat as they were being called "love birds". I was told by Venetorem I had been warned for using private information in the past which I was regarding MizoreShirayuki but the information I used in chat regarding Venetorem wasn't private as i've seen Juli and others refer to him using his name in public chat many times and figured it wasn't revealing any information as it has been stated in the past. Futhermore I thought the comment to be harmless, Juli even commenting saying "j + J :D" or someting like that. I understand the warning in the past was something similar but I thought that they just meant information that the general public wasn't aware of. I'm sorry for refering to you/him in this manor but I honestly thought it was just a harmless contriubtion to the conversation highlighting the J&J. I was told by Venetorem he never gave me permission to use his name but as i've seen various other people use it I didn't realize it was something I needed to ask permission for and thought it was just what people who know of him call him. I would've never used it again if he asked me to.

    I'm really sorry Venetorem I know we haven't been on good terms since I joined the server but I didn't think this information would hurt/effect you.

  10. Sat Aug 12 03:36:25 2017
    Grassling posted in CraftyMynes YouTube Series!!!!.

    Finally some quality content that the whole family can enjoy.
    10/10 excited for the series to come!

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