Grassling's Ban Appeal

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Grassling

    In Game Name: Grassling

    Reason for your ban: Reavealing Personal Information

    Why should you be unbanned: I was banned for saying "J**** and Juli" refering to Venetorem and Juli in chat as they were being called "love birds". I was told by Venetorem I had been warned for using private information in the past which I was regarding MizoreShirayuki but the information I used in chat regarding Venetorem wasn't private as i've seen Juli and others refer to him using his name in public chat many times and figured it wasn't revealing any information as it has been stated in the past. Futhermore I thought the comment to be harmless, Juli even commenting saying "j + J :D" or someting like that. I understand the warning in the past was something similar but I thought that they just meant information that the general public wasn't aware of. I'm sorry for refering to you/him in this manor but I honestly thought it was just a harmless contriubtion to the conversation highlighting the J&J. I was told by Venetorem he never gave me permission to use his name but as i've seen various other people use it I didn't realize it was something I needed to ask permission for and thought it was just what people who know of him call him. I would've never used it again if he asked me to.

    I'm really sorry Venetorem I know we haven't been on good terms since I joined the server but I didn't think this information would hurt/effect you.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    It's not a matter of whether or not it hurt anyone, it's a matter of respect.
    You did not ask any of the 3 staff members themselves whether or not they would like you to use their real name with such familiarity. No one would've been opposed if you had indeed asked, but the issue is that you did not. You have been warned before about 2 other staff members that did not wish for their real names to be revealed, one of them includes the owner himself.

    In light of this appeal, and given your history of multiple bans, including the spreading of misinformation about staff members, which was discussed at lenght with the owner and the other admins, this ban will be a permanent ban.

    Good luck on other servers.

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