
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Tue Aug 15 21:35:18 2017
    Grassling posted in A Survey.

    @Ealdwine_Drasax I like what you are doing and don't mean this to offend you but if you study statistcs you learn about bias surveys can be a result of a uncontrolled sampling method. In this case your survey would be biased because it is voluenteer based.

  2. Tue Aug 15 20:47:22 2017
    Grassling posted in Curious.

    @ghostassasin81 Although I agree with other people in this thread, alot of high school is figuring out who you want to be, not only your career, but the character and moralistic values you live by. If you are happy with who you are and live by what you think is right, no other opinions matter. Just be the best version of yourself you can be and be happy with who you are.

  3. Tue Aug 15 20:19:30 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.


    1. I believe aswell as others that Vene banned me based on an emotional bias as he connected to similar yet, not directly relatable incidents to ban me

    2. I believe Snowproper and Pimpcy said they banned or something for joking around and we not properly warned

    3. Others have come forward to state their specific incidents maybe you could give it a re-read

    Many others who have been faced with staff injustice aren't here today because they were banned and covered up by the staff. The staff silences voices that oppose it and now with a forum this big they cannot and some are scrammbling to throw out ridiculous, mostly repetive, comments, that aren't working towards any positive change.

  4. Tue Aug 15 20:13:12 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    Problems with staff have been stated throughout the forums but off the top of my head these are the ones I remeber seeing mentioned:

    1. Some let emotion dictate decisions
    2. Some are disrespectful to players
    3. Some don't give players a chance to explain themselves or properly warn them
    4. Technicalities are completley disregarded
  5. Tue Aug 15 20:04:24 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @R4iscool1 I'd just like to point out how the anonymous writer did spit some truth when he referred to Rnc. Rnc respectfully replied to the situation and let us know that our concerns were being considered/discussed. And we responded positivley to that because it's more comforting than being told by a staff member that 90% of the people replying on this forum are wrong and telling us WE don't have a problem with the server. If we all have a more positive attitude we are more likley to have positive change.

  6. Tue Aug 15 16:19:05 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @R4iscool1 would you agree venetourm politley asking me one time would be sufficient? I used his name once got banned once. And for the 50th time I was never warned for simply using personal names I was warned for revealing personal information. If you could please stop ignoring this detail and address it it would be appreciated.

  7. Tue Aug 15 15:47:16 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    Public means that every single person has access to the information?? I dont know how you can argue against that even if you use your alt again. @R4iscool1

  8. Tue Aug 15 15:43:30 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @R4iscool1 We cannot all see players ips when they log on but we can see everything said in global chat (Venes name)

  9. Tue Aug 15 06:58:28 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @Dennari43 you say we need to stop taking jabs at staff but you explicitly just called me an angry kid which I see as a jab in itself. My purpose in this thread is not to appeal my ban as i've stated it was only brought up (not even by me) to support the argument at hand. I simply asked for the reason I was actually banned but i'm just told its a bunch of little things. When staff were addressed with in this forum originally by berdie i believe he also said the problem was a bunch of things but he was asked to explain in order to effectively communicate an understanding. Maybe you could try do so yourself unless you just decided to communicate in a conversation you lack knowledge of and are therefore not defending an argument but instead a side.(staff) i want my opinion to be heard without "backlash" because if staff members expect respect they should be exemplary.

  10. Tue Aug 15 05:55:09 2017
    Grassling posted in Opinions -- Grassling and More.

    @Family I appreciate the input into the conversation and love the suggestion. However, there was a time before this arguing where I respectfully voiced my opinion on problems with staff communication and was mocked for it. It was then I felt the only way to get through to the staff was to specifically point out things they are doing wrong and again, when I made my post on the forums, I tried to do it respectfully. Other players who share the same opinions as me took to the forums to make sure they were being heard aswell and nearly every player (minor exceptions) who responded to the thread (not staff) unanimously agreed that there was a problem with the way the staff represents themselves and conducts business. To further my credibility this is not only an issue I had far before my ban, it was an issue I tried to verbally communicate with staff. I was told I was one of few who shared this opinion but I'm glad to see other voices being heard

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