Last active [hidden]
@ShadowHunter7_ can i buy some shulker boxes
How Many you need
I would like to buy 1 mending book, 1 god set of armor, 1 god sword, and 1 god bow with mending, but no punch(Can I get it at a discount if i get it without punch?)
@MasaruCyri Shouldn't this be in "Buy & Sell" instead?
Erm it was
i dont know what happened
I changed it
@The3xpertGamer Only 3... Wow, he must be lazy. What's that? like, 3 hours of non-stop work?
that takes about 25 mins(ive mined over 20 stacks)
@DeathStrikeNinja I would like to purchase 2 stacks
Your order is ready just notify me or TheForgotten20 when you are on!
@Cankicker8 plz buy we are being worked like dogs by these cruel employers!
^^ youve only mined 3 stacks
Forgotten's and Sparklez's Obsidian shop. Obsidian is 5 diamonds per stack!!!
Post your order and we will notify you when your order is ready!
@TheForgotten20 plz no raid me
I wont. I wont leak your coords or raid you i swear.
@NerdieBirdieYT Its mainly rybye
Nerdie i noticed that in your episode 3 u said that you didnt want to leave you viewers clueless about where your base is and u said a huge hint about ur coords. i suggest you dont do this because there are some people that will keep on searching and they will find you base if u give them any kind of hint. Just a tip. Also love your vids and subbed.
welp forget about raiding for a while cuz most active bases are hidden really well, and are far out.