Edited 8 years ago by soggy_M


I was banned for "hacking".

I should be unbanned because I wasn't hacking, have never hacked, and had no evidence to show I was hacking. My base was removed without warning or explanation that I spent many hours working on legitimately.

Thanks for tweaking the message to make it appear as if I made a typo in a message that was out of format anyways. I don't think you understand that the friend who was hacking wasn't on my account, he was on his own account. The account of soggy_M wasn't involved in ANYTHING against the rules.


Thank you for your pardon. However, if you look AJ was a brand new player. J0ne, Chaka, and myself built that base completely legit with no hacks before AJ joined crafty. Simply because one player uses x-Ray doesn't merit taking what we earned without hacks.

What is the point of appeals if you are too stubborn to lift a ban randomly placed on a player. And don't bring religion into this.