Edited 8 years ago by VarxPlays

Why was I banned? I was just mining forward trying to get more levels? Why would I need more diamonds when I have full diamond? And I have diamonds in my Ender Chest? And also, before this happens could you guys post the proof of me ("x-raying"). And anyways, I was being legit I mined 10 blocks and found diamonds, it was just my luck. I have heard the rumor of how diamonds were also on the Y of 11 also, if I was using x-ray why would I check the Y level? Wouldn't you think I would just mine anywhere else but at Y-11 if I was using it? Also, if you checked my Inventory I had a Fortune III pickaxe, that's why I had a lot of diamonds, our whole "squad" went mining one time and mined out a huge place and found a lot of diamonds. Now, like I said before, could you please post the proof of me "x-raying?" Also why would I hack, when I spent more than 12 hours in one day on the game?