Edited 8 years ago by Stefan_MG

I was just banned for talking about religion. I have no idea what the offending statement was, but I had just been talking about a farcical cult that I had founded on the server. This "cult" was founded earlier today and there are about 10 players who have participated in it. We worship a dark pig god and breed pigs. It is a very lighthearted, sociable atmosphere and I was glad to have gotten such a cooperative enterprise started.

Earlier I asked a moderator, rnc, if we were allowed to talk about religions which are not in reality practiced by anyone. I used the ancient Greek god pantheon as an example of such a religion. RNC told me that yes, we were allowed to discuss religions such as that of the ancient greeks. Therefore, discussing a satirical cult which exists only for the sake of amusement and pigs is not a bannable offense. Furthermore, many other players had participated in the cult and none of them have received any punishment(nor should they).

It is possible that the ban resulted from my inviting a player named something along the lines of "Jesusfukanchrist" into my cult. He initially stated that he was looking for someone to join, and I messaged him just as I would have messaged anyone else looking for a group to join. While I understand that using "Jesus" in chat might constitute a bannable offense, it stands clear that the player was allowed on the server and thus I must be free to address him according to his in-game name.

Thank you, and I look forward to being unbanned shortly.

UPDATE: It looks like I will be editing my original post in order to respond. Not a problem.

"You were just unbanned for trolling chat, and what do you do when you get back? continue doing the same thing. "

Referencing an association of players which I had established earlier is not trolling. These were friends of mine who I had been working with, and if you would like to visit the pig farm of golgotha(or HAMalet, depending who you ask) you may see for yourself the amount of work that the group of us had put in. I was not at any point specifically told to not discuss the cult.

I was told generally to avoid the topic of religion, as this is against the rules, and yet I think I have made my case above that I did not break this particular rule as per RNC. If RNC was not correct in what he told me, that is fine, but I was acting on the presumption that when a moderator tells me that something is allowed, they arent lying to me. Furthermore, he was online for the duration of my cult being founded and at no point objected to it.

UPDATE 2:@iClutch, my apologies but I truly cant figure out what you mean in that message. Do you mind clarifying?


"As long as they dont call it a church"

We dont

"and it doesnt spam chat"

It didnt, and this wasnt referenced by any of the moderators or staff in my "warning." If you or anyone else felt that I was spamming chat, you were free to tell me so, but no one said any such thing.

I will briefly summarize the points I have been making in order to not strain the attention of anyone observing this thread. I will make another thread unless these points are satisfactorily addressed in a reasonable amount of time.

-Earlier today, a moderator established that it was not against the rules to discuss fictitious religions

-I started a satirical cult which worships pigs. Many players joined and we developed a prosperous community.

-Several hours passed since I formed the cult without issue.

- I was banned for discussing this cult by a moderator who had previously banned me.

UPDATE 4: I mentioned this to iClutch privately but I might not have said so in this thread. I was at no point specifically told not to talk about the cult. I was told a few times to change the subject or not talk about religion, but when I asked for clarification I recieved none and was accused of trolling.

Let me say that again: when I asked what the moderators didnt want me to talk about, I was accused of trolling.

If you can produce a chat log in which I am specifically told not to talk about the cult, with specific reference to the cult, I will be happy to address that but as it stands I simply did not know what the staff were telling me to stop. And again, I asked them.

UPDATE 5: Thank you RNC for posting further evidence that my ban is exceedingly arbitrary. A player directly contradicted a rule that was set out by the staff "Dont call it a church" and recieved no warning or punishment. Four times he called it a church, which was made explicitly against the rules, no one said anything.

I call it a cult, which is allowed, and Im banned. For ignoring a warning against violating a rule which did not exist.