Jbciv's Staff Aplication

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Jbciv

    In Game Name: Jbciv

    Age: 16

    Time Zone: Central

    Strengths: I'm great at coming up with ideas for building small to large scale, but I would say by best asset is getting along with people and always trying to be as selfless as I can be. I have been playing minecraft since 2012 so I know my way around the game pretty well.

    Weaknesses: Unfortunately, I'm not the best at making those ideas really come to life and pop. Redstone and command blocks are one of the only things that don't get along with me. I often fail at even the simplest of piston doors cause I can't get my way around a redstone torch. And the best I've done with a command block is summon a giant zombie. I am absolutely terrible at PvP, like how did you lose you had a diamond sword bad.

    Reason for applying: From the moment I got on this server I knew it was going to be the one for me and sure enough it was. I was looking for a vanilla minecraft server but every single on was either not online anymore or had so many features that you may as well scratch out the vanilla part. Ever since then I have wanted to give back to this server and I figure the best way to do it is to be on the staff!

    Time played: 2,425,437 ticks

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