Edited 8 years ago by OpticImpulse

Sorry for the appeal not being on my own account. I kinda lost all my login info but r4iscool and Dannysharks told Optic that i could use his account.

IGN: SaltyFlubberFish
Reason For Ban: Chat Violations
Why I should be unbanned: I didn't realize that i typed everything in caps. I was just mad and in a panic because this SuperPoop person random teleport killed me and i lost all my really good stuff, and he/she refused to give it back. I enjoy this server and I like hanging out in my fish pond. I'll try my hardest to not type in caps or get all mad just as long as no one random teleport kills me again.

Also, I'm making this appeal several days after i was banned. So do I still have to wait the 3 days or can I be automatically unbanned?