Reason for Ban: Flying

IGN: wlefe

Reason I should be unbanned?

Hi, I made a ban appeal a few days ago and i got a response finally. It was not quite the response I expected. It had inappropriate language and they were trashing me in the entire post. (See Wlefe in Ban Appeals) I wasn't flying, I tried to explain this in the previous thread. My internet froze and caused me to lag with then made me float in the air several times until the lag settled down. I kept getting kicked for flying. Finally it put me in the jail and people started killing me and then I was banned. The person who replied to my appeal attached a screenshot. The skin is not my skin and the nametag isn't even visible. I loved this server for the short amount of time that I was able to play on it. I hope that my ban can be revoked and I can continue to play on this server.