MrSparklyBacon Disproving your flight score

  1. 7 years ago

    Crafty i do thank you once again for reviewing my responses.
    So far i do believe that i have shed light on my innocence thus far on all of your evidence spare one thing. that my flight score is 4X higher than my walking score. A hacker would leave it at that, knowing he is guilty, but i know for a fact that i am not, and being an admin myself, this alarms me that scoreboard objective and logs are so inaccurate. So i did investigation on my own and found that the flight scoreboard objective, the only one proved by mine craft that you use in your last thread of argument saying that i was hacking without anyone ever witnessing me. Is fundamentally broken as i outline in this video i made so all admins can watch and preform their duties better in the future.

    For the casual reader of this, i was banned for flying without ever being caught flying, random kicks for flying that every player experiences happen to me while using my eltra in high altitudes using a punch 2 bow. I do a lot of raiding and they have seen me in sketch mines but never mining, because i dont mine, at least not after the start. And with that evidence and the broken flight time above i was banned, again, without anyone ever seeing me fly or hack once.

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