In Game Name: dirt7

Reason for your ban: Sexual innuendos? Cursing? Maybe the whole sex cult thing? it wasnt made particularly clear

Why should you be unbanned:

Now listen, things appeared to have gotten a little out of hand but please allow me to share my story.

Its a hard and long truth to admit that i may not be the best player on the server. To be quite fair i may possibly be the worst person to ever join the server? However lets look at the things i've done:

Talks of cults and explicit language?


Attempting to solicit other players into my fairly homey and really quite roomy hovel?


Getting another player banned in the crossfire of several shenanigans?

Can't take responsibility there.

But what i can take responsibility for is the right to be a person.
You see, we aren’t perfect. Maybe it’s wrong to talk about such things but isn't that all this really is? Talk? Not spam, nor hacking nor attempting to “Diddle” people on the server. No. Simply talk.
Personally i’d like to think this was a great dis-justice of the humble yet authoritatively terrifying Nystic. Are these things against the rules? For the most part, not really. Is merely mentioning the word “Cult” or “Sex bang” or “Floppy dongs” discussing it? Not in the slightest. The rules state that profanity to some extent is allowed in moderation, so why not the mention of offensive topics?

Now i know what you’re thinking, Dirt: Who are you to come into a server, play for 2 hours and 37 minutes and start telling people what should and shouldn't be allowed on the server?

And my answer to that would be no one.

I have no right to come into this honestly fabulous community and start spreading word of a new order and defiling the current laws and order set in place. However i do so anyway? Why?

Because sometimes if you want to fit in you need to act like a total dick-wad and wreck shit up for people to know your name.

If i were to roll up today as “Steven162” and quietly build my first house, not saying a single word. What would i be? A normal player?

Of course, but thats not at all what we should be forced to be.

I believe a certain individuality needs to be set throughout the community, and disallowing people to be the wacky and zany characters they are is a strict violation of your own rules.

The rule to be respectful to other players.

As a strong independent worthless piece of garbage i should be treated with far lower expectations than everyone else, and perhaps even recognised amongst the community.

But no, i have been disrespected and banished from playing a game i truly love yet didnt play for years simply because: I didnt give a fuck.

How many more people are you willing to cast away, because they don't give a fuck?




How many people need to suffer simply because they’re sloppy cunt muffins.

No one should face that. At least not me

Actually everyone else should have to face that, JUST not me.

At this point you might be thinking, this can't be a real ban appeal,
But it is. I expect the same fair and just approach that is given to anyone else, except better and more fair.

And if Nystic is the one to judge me, and i am not unbanned. It is only because of bias and obvious intolerance of dickish behaviour on the server, and thats NOT ok.

*But if i am unbanned Nystic is a fabulous person and should be regarded as such*

I hope you understand that we can't all be perfect, and sometimes it just isnt possible to try

