The_wheat_king's ban appeal

  1. 7 years ago


    I was banned for using inappropriate language

    "all my porn is gone"

    I am truly sorry for what i have done you see i play on servers like [censored] and i forget that this server is dose not tolerate inappropriate
    language and I am in the wrong and I'm truly sorry i swear to god that i will NEVER do it again.

    and i was never given a warning

    i riposted this because i was worried i would not get a response i love this server its truly my fav and i dont know what i would do if
    I cant get my ban appealed

  2. First off just post one and itll be responded to as soon as possible. Im currently on vacation and trying to not have my face in my phone and computer for hours. So dont go hounding people for your appeal. Just post and wait.

    I will unban you now since i think youre a pretty sincere guy. So welcome back. Please touch up on the rules as i have less mercy for reoffenders.


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